Saturday, August 23, 2008

Garage WOD

Stinky Dog car wash

The wod's have been few and far between. During the week last week I was working in the field. There was no workout persay but I was active all week doing my job.


CFWU x 1

Pull ups
1.5 pood KB Snatch
Push ups


Wanted to have some intensity but I think I was going about 85%.


Hand stands 5 mins
HSPU's 15
3x25 push ups
3x5 L-sit pull ups

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Last nights WOD almost didn't happen. Not because I couldn't get there
but because I was lazy. I am happy to announce that I got off my ass
and made it to the gym.

CFWU x 1 Really focused on form for OHS. A little tight in the bottom.


200m WU
200m WU
500m 1:31. My first real effort at rowing a 500m. I was tired but not
how I thought I would be. I wasn't too winded but my hamstrings were

Misc stuff in the gym:
10x 135lbs Bench
10x Leg raises
10x 35lbs curls

8x 185lbs Bench
10x leg raises
10x pull ups

5x 185lbs Bench
10x leg raises
25x push ups
8x 45lbs curls
10x pull ups

20x Push ups

I know this workout would not be approved by CFHQ but who cares! I had
a fun time and I got my heart rate up.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rowing some more (Yesterday)

I had recently remarked to Pat that I am finding it difficult to workout
consistently here. The time demands from teaching make it sometimes
difficult to get to the gym before it closes. By the time I am finished
work I am "finished". Shower bed and get ready for tomorrow.

I am anxious to get back into some type of routine again but I think it
will have to wait until I get home from the summer.


500m row 1:34 still learning how this rowing thing works. Not to tired

5 x 200m rowing sprints


1000m row


Handstand push ups for 10 minutes

Forgot to post!

100 Push ups


A little slower then last time.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fitness Test

No warm up!

Fitness test with 9lb weight belt for potential new job.

Quite easy and not a real workout. Some running and jumping over stuff and some more running. Got home and Amy and I just hang out after me being away for the week.

Nothing really interesting to report. Sorry.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rowing and Running in the fields all cammed up


Last night I was suffering from a case the DOMS from Cindy. I didn't
want to go to the gym but knew it was the right thing to do. On arrival
I noticed that they had C2 rowers and thought that would be a fun

500m Warm up row
1:40 Felt pretty good and the knee was fine


This was a little harder but not too bad.


I had forgotten how much fun it was to run around all day with 50-65lbs
of equipment on and run through the fields all day.

7 hours of section and platoon drills on uneven ground can take its


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First CF WOD in some time! 5 Aug 08

It is with humility that I post this WOD. During the last few weeks I
have been "taking it easy" (lazy). Limited if any intensity in my
workouts. Having returned to normal training after 6 weeks of very
regimented and what I consider demanding training I was what I think,
burned out and slightly injured. It was my haphazard plan to just go
easy and allow myself to feel better and get the training spirit back.

Last night was when decided that I would return to full form. My plan
was to complete Cindy. Which is my favourite WOD. I was hoping to get
around 25-27 rounds. If I did this it would confirm my presumption that
I was healed. This was not the case. I was beat into submission and
was unable to complete the WOD as Rx'd. Ego deflated and knee inflated
I left the pull up bar.

CFWU x 2

Cindy.5 (40 second intervals with one minute rest at 9 rounds)
13 rounds
Squats seemed to be the issue. I was much slower on these then I
remember being.

Bench Press
135lbs x 10
185lbs x 5
185lbs x 5

L Pull ups x 10

Hand stand practice 15 mins.

HSPU's = 3

It is clear to me that I am not 100%, which really sucks. I am now
wanting to get back at it full speed but my delicate body is not ready.
In the meantime it will be upper body with intensity and lower with
moderate intensity.
Swimming when possible and bike riding if able.

In summary:

I know that the training I have completed in the previous 2.5 months has
greatly increased my endurance but my strength has diminished. It is a
delicate balance and one that has to be continually adjusted and
monitored to reflect lifestyle, family, and employment obligations.