Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Air Duster Memorex

Colby (4 years old)Rocking out a Solid Murph

Lifting warm up


Snatch High Pull

I was excited to go to the gym today. However, once I got there and started moving I was sore and tired. I just didn't have the get up and give it shit. Now that I am home feeling a little like I had sand in my ovaries.

Knee is tender today from the box jumps yesterday. So maybe a slow day today is a good idea.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Damn you Mushroom and Cheese Quiche! NASCAR is just Cool!

CFWU x 1
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 Box Jump (20″)
20 Push Press (M=115lb)
30 Pull-up
3 + 30 + 20 + 10

That sucked. I think that was one of the more difficult WODs I have done for some time.

Why NASCAR is Awesome!

Fights in hockey are cool. Touchdowns are fun to watch. A great dunk is spectacular. However, it is only one aspect of the competition. Crashes are great to watch there is so much more then that. Nascar has a culture that faithfully follows it week in and week out. While I have only just started to enjoy it I am interested in all the aspects of the sport, how the Crew Chief has a strategy and the pit crew follows it. If the crew makes a mistake it can cause them to lose the race. I like when the drivers on the same team help each other out by drafting and other things that I don't quite get yet.

In a Nascar race there are so many variables that have to be taken into consideration. The track, the driver, the weather, the car, tires, luck…. It is not just as simple as who has the fastest car will win. While that does help it does not mean very much in the big picture. As Ricky Bobby so eloquently put "Help me Jesus. Help me Jewish God. Help me Allah. Help me Tom Cruise. Use your witchcraft on me!" (thanks Sean for that quote)

One of the greatest things I like about Nascar are the sounds. I love to crank up the surround sound and just hear the cars screaming by at 200 mph. The cameras have improved over the years so that there are so many interesting points of view to watch.

All that and it is relatively safe. Take the crash I posted yesterday. The guy got out and ran across the finish line. That is freaking cool.

True I am very new to this and have a lot to learn. Oh, I like Golf too.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ricky Bobby?

Had a nice day in the gym this afternoon.

OH Squats 15/ 15/ 15/
Rest 2-3min
5 Rounds
10 2-Arm KB Swing M=16kg, W=12kg
10 Push Ups

OHS were somewhat of a struggle. I don't think I will be close to 15 x BW OHS anytime soon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I think that Blackberry's are freaking awesome!

On the advice of Pat I tried a WOD.
45 Thrusters (M=95lb/W=65lb)
45 Pull-up

The first 21 of the thrusters were completed in under 1:30 min. I was
happy with the speed of the thrusters to that point. Then... 3:00 mins
for the remainder. The pulls were dismal as well. Which is odd for me
because I thought that I would hit those hard and be okay.
"Excuse" warning!
The gym I frequent has run out of chalk. So the bar was slippery for
the thrusters plus the pull up bar was almost impossible to hold on to.
To fix this I tried to hold on to paper towels while I did the pull ups.
That was better but far from the effects that chalk produces.

Recently I have upgraded my phone to a Blackberry Curve. I think that
this device just about the coolest thing ever. I am happy with it for
the following reasons:
1. It makes calls
2. It receives calls
3. I can create and send emails
4. I can post to my blog with it
5. It is my alarm clock
6. I can waste an enormous amount of time playing with the settings to
"tweak" it
7. It sync's to my iTunes playlists
8. It has a fairly decent camera
9. It has an icon that tells me the weather both long and short term
10. It has GPS
<<parker and sprinkler.JPG>>
The Daily Parker

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day! My Dog PARKER!

Well today was a fun day.

WU 250m row, Steve's lifting warm up

Front Squat



50 x 1.5 KB Snatch


2 Rounds of:

20 x 1.5 KB Snatch

30 Push ups


I am noticing that I have some pretty good results for the first 2-4 mins and then I start to gas. It is interesting to me that a year ago I was "gaming it" for 30-45 mins in a row. I guess that is what happens with 30lbs of extra stuff around the center.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Navy Seal Box Jump

CFWU x 1 + various stretches to loosen up hips

5 Disastrous rounds of:
30 Squats
10 Pull ups
5 x 135lbs Clean and Jerks
Lost all my gas at 6:02. This was when I finished my 3rd round. I
think a good time for this would be 5-6 mins.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Going to NASCAR in June.

It has been a few daye since I have posted. No excuses.

Cleaned the garage today. It was such a nice day that I wanted to be outside.

After I cleaned the garage I took Parker for a run to see how my running is.

About 4.5 km


There was a lot of stopping and stretching. I was more sore then breathing hard. I was tired but I was having a tight pain on the right rear side above the hip.
Stretched and now icing the knee.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hurricane Force Winds

Gasping and destroyed

Warm up was fran with no weights or real pull ups.

Three rounds,21-15- and 9 reps,
for time of:
95 pound Thrusters

So hard. I am shaking still.

Friday, April 10, 2009

2/3 of the driveway is completed. Pictures to follow!

Last night a few of us went out after work. This morning I had to ride the bike to pick up my car.

52 min Bike ride.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jimmy Johnson vs Kyle Busch?

Steve's unimproved warm up. Want to add some pull ups and push ups.

385-405-405-405-405-405-440 PR

Handstands for 3.5 mins.

The weight was feeling good so I wanted to have another test at a PR. 440 went up smooth and came down nice and clean. I think I was too worried about dropping it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chili + burpees?

Steve's warm up.

7 rounds for time:
5 burpee pull ups
10 squats

15 x 95lbs OHS

Some snatch practice with 45lbs bar.

After this WOD I was having some serious acid influx.
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device

Monday, April 6, 2009

Graceful my Ass.

Dynamic warm up:
2x50m side shuffle steps
50m heel kicks
50m high knees
2x50m leg crossovers
25m crab walk
25m bear walk

This warm up is a mash up of what we did last summer prior to doing the Land O course and the one I learned at CrossFit Vancouver a year ago. I really like it because it gets my heart beating and I get to move around a bunch. It does however not incorporate any strength stuff. I will try to improve on it as I experiment more with it.


30 reps of Clean and jerk 135lbs for time.

5:10 (1:08 seconds off a PR.)

Felt strong as far a muscles go but breathing was impossibly hard.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I have had very peculiar and strange experiences.

Back Squat
Pull ups

These were not records I just wanted to lift something heavy. I think
Pat's message is affecting me. That is a good thing.

The title of this post is from the psychological test I had to do. The
MMPI-2. Strange test.