Monday, March 31, 2008

Cleans and a Cindy (well sort of).

Photo taken by Mark Spowrat.

CFWU x 2 Burgner WU x 1


I think the last set I was taking a little too much time to reset.

Still had some gas in the tank so...

10 rounds of

5 Pull ups
10 Push up
15 Squats

Handstand Play only 5 minutes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

10 Minute KB Test (16kg)

CFWU x 1

As many KB Snatches in 10 mins

192 reps with a 1 pood KB.

This was very lung and heart oriented. No Muscles were challenged but Cardio was a huge factor.

I learned that you really have drive your hand up at the top of the snatch. Otherwise it crashes on your forearm and causes undo pain.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

400m Squats and Some Kettlebell play.

CFWU x 2

4 rounds of
400m Run
50 Squats

I think that this is about 1:30 slower then my last attempt at it but over all happy.

Got some new kettlebells today. Me and Allison played around with them for awhile. She is working on going to the TSC in April. With a little more practice I think she will do great.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


CFWU x 3 Subbed K2E


Bench Press


Handstand practice

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eva prep

1 mile run as a warm up then some stretching


24 inch box jumps
70 Lbs DB Swings
Pull ups


Very difficult. It was a lot harder then I had expected. I am very fearful of Eva.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2 miles easy run

Running warm up with some stretching

2 miles easy run.

21 mins

Just wanted to get moving and have a nice run.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St.Patrick's Day WOD. First in a long time!


4 Rounds for time:

1 Guinness
20 Abmat Sit ups
15 Burpees
10 Ring dips


Thanks Pat for jolting me out of my laziness and getting me moving again! Feels good to have done a WOD after such a long time feeling sorry for myself. Just like I knew it would (deep down).

Friday, March 7, 2008

WOD 37 and 38 Grace PR

This past week I was fortunate enough to go to Vancouver and visit some of the excellent Crossfit Affilates out west.

Tuesday I went to Crossfit BC where Angel took me through a great warm up of Parkour moves. This was an excellent way to warm up and learn some things as well. Very coordination demanding. Next there was some squat therapy with the medball. We also worked on front squat.

The WOD was 1/2 of Cindy
Max rounds in 10 mins of:

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

14 rounds with 5 pu, 10 push and 3 squats.

Wedensday I made my way over to Crossfit Vancouver. Very nice gym they have. Great people to train with.

I did the CFWU on my own while I waited for others to show up. Once the crew was there we did:

4 rounds as a warm up of:
5 Burpees
200m run

Our skill was Hang cleans.

Our WOD was Grace.

30 reps of Clean and jerk 135lbs for time.


I would like to thank Shep and Angel for taking the time to work with me and teach me some excellent skills.

While away I was fortunate enough to get sick. I have a fever and chills. Not happy about that. I am gonna rest for the weekend and teach first aid to a military class.

Monday, March 3, 2008

WOD # 36

All there is to say is holy shit.

CFWU x 3




Skipped and handstands. Played on this bad boy for a bit.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Home Gym WOD (I Love my Garage)

CFWU x 3

3 Rounds for time:

25, 30 inch box jumps

25 push ups

25 pull ups


Have been slacking a lot lately. Started to feel quite bad about it. So I headed out to the garage and did what I could. I am glad I have the box jump still. I think a KB is in order. That would really increase what I could do at home.