Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vacation WOD


500m Swim


5 rounds of

25 Push ups
25 Sit ups
25m Swim

Not Times

After a few hours Chad came by and we had a 30 min SCUBA dive at the falls.
This vacation is great. Doing a whole lot of nothing. This is great. Love it up here. I think we will stay another day.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Swimming in Bala, Muskoka

After a long car ride up to Bala I wanted to go for a run but I was given a beer upon arrival. So after a few sips down on the dock I decided that I needed to do something.

So I put on my swim trunks (not my speedo) and did 20x 25m (or so) sprints off the dock. I had a hard time getting a good workout because everytime I dove in I had to deal with Parker chasing me.

It was a good way to get the blood flowing after a car ride and before a couple of beers.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mashup WOD

The new backyard game of Testical Toss. Hours of fun!

So there I was sitting in my living room watching UFC 85. After realizing that since I was allowed to go home early from work I didn't work out. Obviously I didn't want to miss any of the fights so in front of the TV I did.

3 rounds

20 1.5 KB Snatch
20 Push ups
20 Sit ups

Not for time just to do something.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trail Run

View Larger Map

Today I just felt like going for a run. Near my house there is an old railroad line that has the track removed. So I went for an easy run along there. Felt pretty good. My knee was a little sore to start with but as I got going it loosened up and was okay for the rest of the run.

40:45 minutes. 7.5km Total

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Best game ever! Ladder golf AKA Testical Toss.

After Work

CFWU x 1
Row 500m - 2:00

Push Press



KB Swings 1.5 pood

Just messed around in the gym. No intensity. I am going to try and rest my knees so I can get rid of this Patella Tendinitis once and for all.

After Dinner

55 mins at the pool.
Did some warm up laps followed by 8x25m sprints. I didn't have a stop watch so I don't know the times.
I think in total it was about 2250m.

The pool felt great but in the gym I felt fairly weak. I would like to get my strength back but at the same time I really enjoy where I am fitness wise right now.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bike to Work and a little WOD

City Scape Istanbul


10km Bike to work: 32 mins


CFWU x 2

10 rounds of Cindy

Bike ride home :34 mins

Friday, July 18, 2008

Land O Course!

I am the slow one. I made a few technical errors and that caused me to lose some time. That and the other guys on the team are very fast.

CFWU x 2


Weighted Pull ups 60lbs
Bench Press 185Lbs

Then 20 x 3 1.5 Pood snatches

Not feeling too well this morning so just farted around with stuff in the gym. Still feeling jet lag from the trip home.

50m Swim

I am having trouble with the Land O video. Once I sort that out I will put it here.

We did this in 45 seconds. Our best time in training was 47 Seconds. We were very happy with that.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home (little running)

I am finally home. Instanbul was nice to visit for the first 2 days and then it was time to come home.

I haven't posted for some time now due to lack of resources. Now that I am home I should be able to regularly post again. I have missed posting to the blog.

First of all an update from Turkey. The team I was on did quite well in everything except the shooting. There are a number of reasons for that but I think the single most important one was nerves. During the pistol shoot I made some rookie mistakes that caused us to lose some important points.

The Land O and Water O we kicked ass. I was the slowest on the team for the land O however in my defence the two other guys were only 22 years old. They are both amazing athletes and I was privledged to be on their team. The land O our time was 3:11 and on the water O our time was :45. Both great times.

The Orienteering was another awesome time. 2:16 to travel 15km while trying to navigate over unknown terrain. Derrick did a great job getting us around the bush.

Overall we were 4th in our division. Very happy with that performance.

Once I arrived home I went for a run. I have really begun to enjoy running. I went for 1:10. Distance unknown.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy few days.

The last few days have been filled with excitment and adventure. They have also been filled with pain and punishment at the hands of the obstacle courses.

The schedule has been very similar to that of Quebec. Mornings are the ranges and the afternoons are for the O courses.

A few days ago I cracked my knee again on the land O and was unable to complete the days training. I thought it best for me to just rest it and not push it. We were almost finished so not much missed.

The Water O is a good one. Pretty fast and fun. Nothing to report on the course itself. However, I was fortunate enough to have been taken to the hospital as an over precaution. On the water O I took a hunck of skin off my nose and was bleeding pretty bad. The Dr. saw all the blood and quickly loaded me into the ambulance. Off to the hospital. The hospital was different then back home. Not nearly as clean. I was given some ice to put on it and a massive bandage. I looked like Rocky after fighting Apollo.

Once back at the pool I was all set to get back to training but while every country was busy laughing at my bandage I had to sit on the sideline and just watch. I was a little upset but no big deal.

Today we went to a forest about 1.5 hours away for some orienteering practice. There are these long vines that grow in the forest that are like rose stems. Very sharp and painful. Everyone has cuts and scrapes all over from them.

We were warned heavily about the ticks here so this morning we all douched ourselves in bug juice to prevent anything from happening. No such luck. I had three ticks on me at the end of the day. You could see everyone checking each other over for the little bastards. I hope that I got them all off me.

Break down for the last few days:

Pool: 3:00hrs
Land O: 3:00hrs
Orienteering: 6:00hrs
Running: 2:00hrs

Off to dinner!

Friday, July 4, 2008


There ıs a long line up for the computer so it will be quıck.

Arrived after a long journey over the ocean. Very tıred. Went to bed.

Got up went for a 45 mınute run in downtown İstanbul. Almost got hit by a taxi. Got some weırd looks from the locals. Had a nap. Had supper. Went to bed. Worst sleep ever. Up at 0400hrs read a book.

Today we left for an İsland and had to run all over the island for 1 hour. clımbed a huge hıll. Felt great. Went swımmıng ın the ocean and ıt was very dırty. İ thınk I have a sunburn from the walkıng around after the swım. Had some Turkısh coffee. Very strong and bıtter but very good.

All the athletes are here now later tonıght we are havıng an ıce breaker for all the athletes. They get to drınk but we do not. That sucks.

Tomorrow we start traınıng for real. We shoot do the land O and water O and throw grenades.

That ıs all.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

CFWU x 1

100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats


This was my first CF WOD in over a month. I am happy with the results. A PR of 1:48ish. My hands have been ripped open from the bar that I used. Don't know if it was such a good idea to tear my hands before Turkey.

I am unsure of internet use over there. This may be the last post until mid July. Check back often. If I can post I will.

Well off to finish the last of the packing and heading to the airport. Thanks for all the support and well wishes.