There ıs a long line up for the computer so it will be quıck.
Arrived after a long journey over the ocean. Very tıred. Went to bed.
Got up went for a 45 mınute run in downtown İstanbul. Almost got hit by a taxi. Got some weırd looks from the locals. Had a nap. Had supper. Went to bed. Worst sleep ever. Up at 0400hrs read a book.
Today we left for an İsland and had to run all over the island for 1 hour. clımbed a huge hıll. Felt great. Went swımmıng ın the ocean and ıt was very dırty. İ thınk I have a sunburn from the walkıng around after the swım. Had some Turkısh coffee. Very strong and bıtter but very good.
All the athletes are here now later tonıght we are havıng an ıce breaker for all the athletes. They get to drınk but we do not. That sucks.
Tomorrow we start traınıng for real. We shoot do the land O and water O and throw grenades.
That ıs all.
This is awesome...give it!! You don't want to come home thinking you could have tried harder....