Thursday, March 26, 2009

Austere work WOD

5 rounds for time:
15x 95lbs power cleans
5x pull ups

My original intent was to lift something heavy today. However, once I
made it to the gym I realized I had forgotten my shorts. I walked back
the QM, filled 2 water jerry's with water and made a bar. I used vise
grips to hold the jerry's in place. I was a little difficult to keep
the bar balanced throughout but none the less it worked well enough.

The most difficult part about today was keeping my grip with the
slippery thin bar. My forearms were shot after.

Will try to post a picture.

1 comment:

  1. Improvise, adapt and overcome, isn't that what Maguiver says.

    How was training with odd objects? The jerry cans and bar probably were as effective as a 135lbs barbell, maybe even more.

    Good to see you training and blogging. I really look forward to following your blog.
