Monday, March 2, 2009

Merrill Lynch, Windows 7, and Nortel Networks



Warm up was the dynamic one I showed a video of before. I really like how this gets me warm and loose.

Felt really good this afternoon. I was hoping for 445 and 190 but alas. Nada!


  1. Steve that puts you damn near a 1000lb CFT! Good job man

  2. 445! Are you kidding me! That is awesome and huge. That is a solid 2.5xBW, level IV skill Awesome. Do the total next week and join the 1000lb club

  3. Thanks for the encouragement guys. Pat, I failed at 445 only got 435 did not try 440. Maybe should have but I doubt I would have got it. Up until 435 all the lifts went up nice and smooth.

    As for the CFT. Those need to be done all in the same day. I doubt I could get these again in the same day.

  4. I guess I can do the math on numbers that huge. You really have gained some serious strength on this program. Are you happy with your progress? How long will you continue? Would you recommend this program? What about recommending GOMAD?

  5. I think I will continue with SS until the end of March. At which time I will get back into CF. Although slowly I am sure.

    I believe SS is an effective program in a lot of ways. All you have to do is follow the program and it takes care of the rest.

    As for recommending SS, only for people who don't mind getting strong. It is a fun way to lift.

    GOMAD? No way. Too hard to drink that much milk. Plus 5 bucks a day on milk is a lot. I am not one of those skinny guys who needs the extra cals. I just eat what I want. I am sure I will have a hard time getting off the crack come March.

  6. Steve,
    is meant to be 7 max efforts, warm-up to the max efforts is just like regular SS protocol, aside from the fact that once your lifts are above intermediate you will need less lifts to warm up.

    you only hit one max effort, when you should have been hitting 7 of them on each with fractional jumps rather than 20lbs at a time... also another good reason to warm-up before the max efforts

  7. Anon,

    Thanks for the condensending comment.

    I wasn't aware I had to hit a 1RM in a certain format.

  8. What is the video you mentioned? Dynamic warmup
    Brother Mike
