Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stuck at work WOD

For Time:
50 Ring push ups
50 Ring dips


Ring dips were the killer. Broken to sets of 5. Arms shot.

I have rings set up in the QM so I decided to put them to use. I will
post a picture when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. Do you kip your ring dips or are the strict? I used to think strict was the ONLY way to go. For the simple reason that I could not freaking learn to use my hips and legs in a ring dip. Once I figured it out (literally, 2+ years into CF) made a world of difference.

    How I learned was by a written explanation - when going down into the dip movement, I simultaneously bring my knees towards my hands, when the rings are to my shoulders, kick my legs down. Down and slightly behind me. Works like a charm.
