Monday, March 30, 2009

Nascar Sprint Cup 2009

Very recently I have taken a liking to NASCAR. I know very little about the sport other then it is cool. One day a few weeks ago I was flicking channels and I stopped on racing. The camera angle was track level and the noise was amazing. The surround sound of the speeding cars was great.

I have decided that I will follow #18 Kyle Busch until I learn more about this racing stuff. If anyone knows about racing please feel free to inform me of some of the finer points.

Run with Barb
3 rounds for time
400m Run
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats

The last round just murdered me. I think I tried to game the last run
and when I went to the bar I was rocked. Had to take a large break
before I caught my breathe.

I took a little break last week as you may have noticed. I have an
excuse if you want to hear it! My soon to be brother in law returned
home from Afghanistan on Friday. Well 1 beer turned into another and
then those turned into shots. So I was sidelined for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Steve,

    I hope you enjoyed beers with your brother-in-law. Tell him Welcome Home!

    Check out Some great programming. I have a few WODs I have been wanting to try, like 10 thursters, 10 pull-ups, 10 rounds for time, heavy Fran, heavy Helen, etc. A lot of bigger weights, and since you are now stronger...let me know if you want to hit some. I am moving toward 2 days strength focus, on day short METCON, 1 day MED metcon, all under 20min. let me know.

