Monday, March 9, 2009

Maybe I'll get back to Navy Seals Workouts?

Saw this pile of tires just north of my place. Thought about all the Crossfitters out there who would love one of them.

CFWU x 3

10 mins on treadmill.

The idea is to get back into CF. I have abandoned my SS journey. My goals have changed, so must my training. The CFWU today was okay, I guess. The push ups and dips felt good however, the pull ups were a joke. By that I mean they were hard. All sets of 10 were broken.

I love this Shit. As our lives change so do our challenges and the direction we pursue our own meaning of fitness.


  1. Steve I could hardly do ring dips today. It will be a challenging journey back to the MetCon level we were at but I think it will be fun. Just as the break for strength training was fun. We are all doing main page at 4 horseman, you are welcome anytime to come do the WOD.

  2. Steve,

    What will it be? If it is what I think it is..congrats. If you have the time/energy/motivation, I think NavySeals WOD is the way to go. If you have less time I think is the way to go. If you have less time, I think you should go to the archives and just jump in a month you skipped and follow it in order, but on the days you train. I am doing this now, month Feb 2007. We can choose a new one if you want to compete.


  3. Steve,

    I know the 4 Horsemen would like one of those tires. They had one and do not have it anymore.


  4. Steve, where is this big pile of tires located? you'll have to come drop by our place and do a wod sometime.

  5. Steve, I was just checking out your bad ass JT times. When are you coming back to CF WODs? You should come hit a workout with us one of these days.
