Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1.5 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups


This was a fun WOD for me today. First round was straight through. Rounds 2 and 3 were broken.

Canadian Canoe Routes Forum


  1. I looked back through your Helen posts and you busted out a 9:12? That's a solid time, Steve. I'm confident once your conditioning returns, with your recently acquired strength, you'll kill your old time.

    What was the tough part of Helen today? Runs? I find that when I'm at my best the runs are actually the "rest" part of this workout. Even if they're at or near max effort. It's the swings in this WOD that destroy me. As soon as I start doing any movement overhead in a WOD (full swings) I start to get that drowning sensation.

    Anyway, good job today. Good to see you posting again.

  2. The runs were okay today. It was the swings that had me gassed out. I was resting often with the swings and pull ups. I do feel strong but the strength gains are tempered with the 198lbs I am hauling around right now.

    I would like to get my diet under control again. That will really allow me to get better.

  3. Good to see you getting some METCON back in. I am sure it will come back.
