Wednesday, March 18, 2009


CFWU x 1 + 20 1.5 pood KB Snatch

10 Rounds of
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
For time:

20 x KB Swing
20 x KB Snatch

Had a good talk with Sean B-H last night (over beers). I find it
motivating to read other Cfer's blogs and WOD posts. It is the sense of
community that drew me to start a blog in the first place. My WOD posts
have been influenced by and large by the mutual rivalry that Pat and I
had for many months. In fact, well over a year now. I am convinced that
the successes I have been fortunate enough to have are a direct result
of the encouragement and motivation that I find with this blog and
others like it. Cfer's ROCK!
Today's WOD was one of the ones that I needed to do to get a feel for
where I am in terms of "fitness". I had the same feeling today as I did
when I did this same WOD in almost half the time. Like Jerry's Blog
states: Never easier. Just faster.


  1. It was good talking to you last night Steve. Dani and I had lots of fun being out with you guys.

    Pop in for a WOD anytime at the garage.

  2. Steve,

    You, Sean, Jerry and others are my affiliate. You are my both my competition and teammates.

    Not a bad half Cindy for someone who can pull almost 450lbs. How are the KBs feeling with the new strength?


  3. Thanks for the offer Sean. I will have to take you up on the garage visit.

    The KB's felt easy to move around. I was gassed after only doing 10. Have some progress to make.

    I would like to try Fran just to have a feel for it now.

  4. Hi Steve,

    I have lots of pics of you and Amy from St. Patrick's Day. So I'll try to get your email from Sean or Amy's from her emails to me re: Jack Astor's ... Nice mini Cindy time.
