Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Box Jumps First time in Months

CFWU x 1

3 rounds

20, 20 inch box jumps
20 pull ups

Didn't time it because I forgot to start the watch. Had that coughing feeling after. Knee felt okay during but I am going to take Ibuprophin to stave off any swelling and pain.

10 mins of handstands. Had some good success today. Flexed my core and pointed my toes to have good form. It was easier to stay inverted this way. Will try that again.


  1. Good to see the knee getting some use. How is it feeling today?

  2. Pat,

    It is feeling pretty good. The drugs are helping with the after effects. I think that I will keep testing and see where that leads me.

    Thanks for showing interest.
