Fitness test
Today we were required to complete a fitness test.
Requirements for 100%:
Age 33
37 push ups nose to mat with full extension
73 curl ups (must be done to a cadence)
44 cm Sitting reach
9:20- 1.5 mile run
How I scored:
31 cm
Total score 75%
You will note that my curl ups were pathetic. I was not fatigued in any way. I simply was holding too long at the top position and lost the cadence. I was extremely pissed when the lady told me to stop. It was the first time I had ever done this movement and failed to grasp the importance of the cadence. (My instructor was a curl up nazi. The other instructors were much more lenient in their application of the cadence. I was shocked to see people who couldn't do 10 push ups get 60 curl ups.)
Get over it Steve!
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