Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Muscle up PR attempt

Is Crossfit selling out?

BWC of the month!

CFWU x 2

With the end of the year fast approaching I thought I should try to get the 15 MU's now just in case I didn't get it. Well I didn't! Shit.

Got on the rings and tried a few to get the feel. The rings were too low to get a good kip. Knees were too close to the ground. Anyway, got 11 which is 2 less then my PB. So I just kept at it. Got some nice tears on the heal of my hands.

It looked like this:


Ended with handstand practice. Maybe not such a good idea after the MU's. Sucked.

If I am gonna do this before the end of the year I will have to do it in the Garage. Better set up there with higher ceilings.

Oh well will try again in a couple of weeks.

Suggestions welcome

1 comment:

  1. long time lurker of your blog. yes brother, crossfit is selling out. not only that, but the quality of discussion on the message board went from top-notch to bad in about 3 months.

    question for ya, what did you do to build your pushup numbers? i'm stuck on 35 and the last few are iffy @ best.

