Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Zone Perfect Diet, Dr. Barry Sears, and Crossfit made simple.

For most people eating is about taste and pleasure and variety. If they eat the same thing over and over they get bored and want to try something different. They have recipe cards full of tasty meals that they choose from to keep the variety and spice in their meals. I am the complete opposite of that.

For me I eat the same thing day in and out. It is the easiest way for me to stick to a plan. Do what I know works. Keep it simple stupid. Little to no variety. For me I have a few staples and that is it. Shopping is easy as hell. I know exactly what aisles to hit and how much it will cost. Cooking after work is simple.

For me food is fuel and not about taste. What do I need to eat to make it through the next 4 hours?

Being in the Army I relate it to trying to figure that to wear to work. The same thing I wore yesterday. My uniform. Easy. No fuss no muss.

I know that this is not the way for most but it works for me. Here are some staples in my diet:

Lunch meat
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter
Chili (lots of Chili)
Pete's Hot sauce
Olive Oil
Fish oil
Multi vitamins

That is about it. In the morning I throw the same thing in my lunch bag and off I go. Very easy.


  1. Hey Steve. Nice time on Angie. I read your last post and was wondering if that gym is for army only? Any civs allowed. I am getting tired of the big box and don't want to pester Dave about when his is opening. I'm sure he has heard it a million times before. If not I guess it's big box for a little while longer.

  2. Hit the Chili. And hit it hard.


  3. I agree about staples you like. I stick to a routine too. Breakfast always the same :12oz skim milk, 15gm Protein powder, 1 piece of fruit, nuts to round it out. 4 zone blocks each. Lunch, always a South Beach diet meal (bring to work) SB is very simular to zone, and I will add a piece of fruit or nuts to bring up to 4 blocks. Afternoon, zone bar, string cheese, nuts 3blocks. Dinner, usually Protein based, vegtebles, minimal carbs. I do not pay too much attention to blocks here. Snack 2 blocks or chocolate protein shake with almond butter. This is my usually meak M-F when working. It is very easy to structure my eating when my days are structured, like M-F. Weekends, let it go a little. This approach plus CF has me at the leanest of my lift. I think I am around 9% BF, 170-173lbs.
