Friday, December 19, 2008

Diane Scaled

Photo hijacked from Bro's computer. I think this is The Kee to Bala!

We are getting hammered here in London with a snow storm. I loved having a jeep today so I could just plow through the snow drifts. When it snows like this is the only time I don't mind paying a little more for gas to have a vehicle that is good in these conditions.


21-15-9 reps of:

185 pound Deadlift

Handstand push-ups


I tried a couple of practice lifts with 225. Decided to scale it instead. Lower left of back was pretty tight after this WOD. HSPU's were murder. First round of DL's took 1:15 and the 21 HSPU's took 2 mins.

1 comment:

  1. It comes back, give it a few more WODs. You are definitely doing the right thing, scaling back a bit. That is so hard to do, but it is so necessary to avoiding injury. HSPU are so specific, again a few more WODs and you be on top.
