Sunday, December 14, 2008

KB Snatch

100 x 1.5 pood snatch


This was a ridiculous WOD. I am wrecked. Lungs are burning, hands are burning, forearms are burning. My lungs feel the same as when I ran a 2:30 800m. I am still coughing and feel generally terrible.

I think it may be some time before I attempt the 200 snatch in 10 mins.

*How do you change a link from a link to a phrase? IE to "Best thing ever!". So that when you click on it it opens the link intended?


  1. This is impressive. At the TSC my 5min test was 83. The 1.5 Pood is humbling.

  2. New site looks sweet, Steve!

    No idea you've ran a 2:30 800m. That is ridiculous!

  3. How to change a web site link to a phrase - instructions are below. (I can't type the actual code, because the blog post will translate it to a real link.)

    Enclose the bolded text in triangle brackets like this: < bolded text > a href= "" target="blank"

    Then type: Best Thing Ever! (no brackets necessary)

    Then enclose the bolded text in triangle brackets like this: < bolded text > /a

    I may need to try the 100 snatches, although I am already dreading it. I will use a 1 pood, though. That will suck hard enough. Nice work here!
