Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ring push ups

3 rounds:
50 Ring push ups
5 Muscle ups

This workout I did not complete "for time". I just did it. I was in no rush and kinda just started doing it without really any focus. It was good and I had a fun time with it.

I have noticed that I have been getting away from doing the CFWU. I guess I will have to get cracking.

I wrote an article on the crossfit London webforum. It is about goal setting. Have a read and let me know your comments. If you have something to add please feel free to comment.


1 comment:

  1. good article, steve. i've never really committed to specifying my goals and then writing them down. maybe that's why they're always changing and i never really accomplish them??

    i'll try to heed your advice.
