Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ryan Navy Seals WOD


5 rounds for time of:

10 Wall Ball (12lbs ball / 10ft target)
20 GHD Sit ups
30 Push ups
40 Squats
Run 400 meters


Handstands before and after. Nothing exciting to report.

Did this one with my Brother. It was nice to have company.

Going camping tomorrow until Sunday. I will still try and workout but will not be able to post until Sunday.

Have a great weekend everybody.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pull up Ladder

CFWU x 2 Subbed OHS for Snatch

On the minute Pull Up Ladder

Start a continuous timer for 1 minute. When the timer goes off do a pull up ladder, where the first minute you do 1 pull up, the second minute 2, and so on, until you cannot complete the number of pull ups in the minute. You can break the larger sets up, as long as you finish the set in the minute.

Got 18 mins

Forearms were on Fire.

Practice Handstands for 25 mins.

Got 3 Freestanding HSPU in a row. Very Happy.

Monday, April 28, 2008



5 rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
15 Overhead Squats (95lbs)


WOW! First time with Nancy. She is very mean.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

KB Hurt

CFWU x 1

For Time:

25 KB Swings
25 KB Sit ups (KB on chest)
25 KB Squats (KB in your hands)
25 KB Push ups (Hands on top of KB)
1 Mile KB Run Carried any way.


Handstand practice 15 mins. Starting to be able to press into a handstand from a squat. There is a bit of a push with the feet but not too much.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Handstand Practice

CFWU x 2

5 x 1 min row sprints.

20 mins of handstanding.

I was suppose to throw some heavy weights with a friend but he bailed out at the last minute. So I didn't really know what to do with myself. I also wanted to have an easy day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Running Angie

CFWU x 1 Plus Stretching

Running Angie

800m Run
100 Pull Ups
800m Run
100 Push Ups
800m Run
100 Sit Ups
800m Run
100 Squats

Played with some hand walking but was too tired to do it too long, maybe 5 mins.

Later in the evening

50m Swim
34 Seconds

Legs were shaky after that.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

AM:Helen, PM: Snatch and Deadlift PR and Hand walking PR


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Not very happy with this one I was almost 3 minutes longer then last
time. Thought I was going to crush this one. Had to partition the
swings and pull ups in the 3rd round. I think it was more psychological
then physical.

Deny everything...admit nothing...make counter accusations!

After work I went to the gym and completed:

5 left, 5 right
.5 Pood Snatch
1 Pood Snatch
1.5 Pood Snatch

3 left, 3 right One Arm Barbell Snatch

65-85 Lbs

1 Left, 1 Right One Arm Barbell Snatch

105 Lbs

Snatch High Pull
135 Lbs

Then wanted to do some handstands but lost my balance and started walking. Made it 15feet. That made me excited. After repeated attempts I managed 45 feet. Half way across the gym. I was stoked.

Then I was talking with Dave and we were talking about running and deadlifts. I thought while I was waiting I would try a deadlift.

380lbs PR

I feel really good about that considering yesterday and today's WODs.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Connor Navy Seal WOD

Me playing with Amy's new Boat on Fanshawe Lake.

CFWU x 2 Burgner WU x 1

Subbed medball cleans for OHS


Max Rounds in 20 minutes with 65 lbs of:

5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats

Each round is completed from beginnning to end without setting weights down.

15 rounds with 5 seconds left.

Push Press was the first thing to hurt. Soon after that the squats started to smart. Was a sweaty beast after words. Didn't feel like doing much of anything after except laying down.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Let's get physical! I need one of these.

CFWU x 3 subbed MU's for dips and pull ups (had to clean the garage today so I could workout in there.)

For Time:
80 Squats
40 KB Swings 1.5 pood
20 Pull ups
64 Squats
32 KB Swings
16 Pull ups
50 Squats
24 KB Swings
12 Pull ups
32 Squats
16 KB Swings
8 Pull ups
16 Squats
6 KB Swings
4 Pull ups


Skipped a little and played with the handstands again.

GSP defeats Serra in 2nd round by TKO! Well job GSP. Feeling a little foggy today from watching the fights.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Clean and Snatch

CFWU x 2

Squat Clean


For fun:

KB snatch 1.5 pood
15 per side
15 pull-ups

Handstands 5 mins. Getting pretty comfortable inverted now.

30 m Alligator walk
30 m Monkey walk
30 m Rabbit hop.

Did these to practice coordination and timing. Surprisingly it was a
difficult 90 meters.

I had a great time this morning doing the lifts. I am finding that the
more I do the more I like them. Also I find the thread on the forums
about Rippetoe's quotes to be hilarious. I want to read more of them.
He seems like a no Bull Shit guy.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 WOD

This just had to be revisited!

CFWU x 1

50 - 35 - 20

Deadlift (135lbs)
Knees to elbows
Box Jumps


Used the vibram fivefingers for this one. They are so awesome. I love them. My right foot felt like it was falling out at the heal on the box jumps. I tightened them up and good to go.

I was lazy the first round and took too many breaks. Smartened up for 2nd and 3rd round.

Overall happy with WOD.


This is a quote from Mark Rippetoe. The leading expert on the slow lifts within the crossfit community and most lifting circles.

"The vast majority of my members learned a while back that the best way to keep their shoulders healthy was to press and bench press in equal doses... Here, benching is just another exercise, not the absolute measure of personal worth it is in some circles, and the noise level is commensurate with this more balanced, peaceful, logical worldview."

This is why my chest and triceps are so sore today. Not enough Balance. The bench press is an effective lift when done in moderation and not as an absolute measure of strength.

More from Mark. Courtesy of Cadenceout!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Run Row and Bench Press


Little warm up.

20 min run around the neighbourhood with the dog. I would run 800mish
and jog about 400mish. Near the end it was me running and towing a
110lbs chocolate lab who was more interested in sniffing then he was in


CFWU x 2

3 Rounds of: (not for time)

500m Row
30 Body weight Bench press.

Had a good workout after work. Arms were completely shot. It was a
good thing I had a spotter there with me or I would not have attempted
to do this with body weight.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Small Run

CFWU x 3

2.4km Run

Skipping 200 jumps

Sprints 5 x 50m

Very lazy efforts today.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Warm was some squats and some stretching

1 Mile run x 3
Rest as needed between runs


Finished with 400m run with Vibram FiveFingers. I could feel this in
the calf.

Looking for suggestions to increase speed for an 8km run. I am at
37:30ish right now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pressing and the new shoes

CFWU x 1 and some skipping

> Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
> Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
> Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
> 135 for the first set then moved up to 140 for the remainder. Started
> to get a tickle in my right shoulder at the last set.
> This morning I used the FiveFingers for the WOD and it was
> interesting. Got some good looks too. The type I bought are KSO's.
> General purpose ones. Good for just about any sport. My girlfriend
> likes them too. Although I do think she thinks I am a little goofy.
> <<demotivators_1786_8008734.jpg>>


CFWU x 3

3 Rounds for time:

15 wallball 15 lbs
15 KB Swings 1.5 pood
50 single unders


Handstand practice.
Held my longest stand for about 20 seconds with NO movement. Stood still the whole time. Did 1 HSPU with no moving full ROM. Very happy. Had some advice from a gym person. To just relax and breathe. The next one I did was a nice long one. Hope this is a new direction for me.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 WOD Scaled

My FiveFingers came in today. They are difficult to put on because I have a baby toe that is all messed up. It doesn't really exist. So I have to really pull on the toe to get it in place. Went for a little run and they feel good. I will be sure to start slow with them so not to hurt myself.

CFWU x 1 and some walking lunges and skipping

1 mile run
50 24 inch box jumps
50 Pull ups
50 parlette push ups
100 single unders
1200m Run
35 24 inch box jumps
35 Pull ups
35 parlette push ups
70 single unders
800m Run
20 24 inch box jumps
20 Pull ups
20 parlette push ups
40 single unders

I really thought I could do well on this one. It was definatly a challenge to do box jumps after the run. Then have to run after the skipping. Calf intensive.

43:27 Not happy with the time.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Kettlebells and Skipping summertime with the Garage gym now open!

CFWU x 2

3 Rounds for time:

2 mins Skipping
21 1.5 Pood Swings
12 Pull ups


3 Rounds (not for time)

10 left 10 right KB Snatch
5 left 5 right KB Snatch high pull

I had a great time out in the garage. I have been scouring the internet for a C2 rower and some weights. I am thinking of making the Garage/basement my new place to workout. It is just so easy to workout at home. Everything I need is here. Shower, music that I want to hear, no one hogging shit.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bike Ride and a Parker Day

Small bike ride around neighbourhood with the Beast! PARKER! I find that as I try to get him to his fighting weight he is taking Longer to tire out. Jerk!

This is a copy of an Article from

God's Workout

Posted March 27th, 2008 in Fitness and Performance
Source: Heffernan

The superfit walk among us. They saunter or strut, depending on whether they’re showcasing their magnificent agility or their oxlike strength. They ignore the chatter in the health media over treadmill technique and pedometer steps. They scoff even at seemingly rigorous practices like Mysore Ashtanga yoga and marathon training. They are America’s self-styled fitness elite, adherents of a punishing online exercise regime called CrossFit, which orders its followers to cultivate a distinctly martial — not to say paranoid — ideal of “physical preparedness.”

CrossFit has 450 chapters in 43 states (and several other countries). The network has a message for the merely healthy: “Your workout is our warm-up.” Every day, its members consult like a Book of Common Prayer, receiving instructions for their workout rites and periods of rest. Performing caveman feats like hauling, clambering, trudging, snatching, hurling and deadlifting, CrossFitters deliberately overwhelm and distress their bodies, executing near-impossible stunts with as much weight as they can bear. A Workout of the Day, or W.O.D., might include 50 kettlebell swings, 3 800-yard dashes in rapid succession and 10 pull-ups. Then repeat. No breaks. No weight machines. All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

The spare site is the foundation of the CrossFit ministry. It resembles not so much a gym as a system of alleys, a rough-hewn underground network designed to train a super-race that wouldn’t be out of place in Marvel Comics. On a typical day, some 200 people post responses to the workout. (This looks fun, if by fun I mean painful and heinous . . . cry from pain . . . my hands are toast . . . lightheaded and dizzy . . . whoop, whoop!) It’s an exercise phenomenon custom-made for this moment in Web history: CrossFit couldn’t exist without lots of speedy, uploadable video; social networking; and an expansive platform for international, demographically varied community interaction. Many of the official demo videos feature women, and even among the rank and file, women are everywhere. A scan of members’ posted ages shows that participants are between 20 and 60, with many in their 30s. (There’s also a kids’ program.)

Even if handstand pushups have no place in your life, there’s something eye-opening and even inspiring about the site’s aggressive ambitions for the human body. Like urban-gymnast traceurs and other daredevils who have come into their own on digital video, CrossFitters offer themselves as evidence that people are capable of more than merely giving up sugar for Splenda and taking the stairs occasionally; according to the CrossFit creed, they can and should also be prepared to fell trees, tame bulls and carry families of four on their backs. Olympians, soldiers, police officers, firefighters and devoted fitness amateurs convene on the site, reveling in max squats and circus-strongman stunts, which they repeat as many as 100 times per workout. This is exercise not for vanity or for longevity but for an imagined moment of heroism that may never come.

CrossFit’s founder, Greg Glassman, is referred to by his disciples simply as Coach, which contributes to the program’s cultlike vibe. A former gymnast who put his longtime training program online in 2001, Glassman is known for his impatience with exercisers who fear injury: “There’s nothing about crashing that makes you drive faster, right? But you’re not going to learn to drive real fast unless you’ve wrecked once or twice.” In brazen, inventive, hortatory speeches and prose, he leans on the conceit of “forging,” blacksmith style. His Web site is “forging elite fitness,” and his message board is “forging elite community.” CrossFit represents a ministry for Glassman, who is intent on drafting and redrafting his program — so intent, in fact, that he has said he works out inconsistently.

The enemies in the eyes of the CrossFit crowd are “Stairmaster chumps” (who log long, drowsy hours on the machines but huff and puff on actual stairs) and myopic “specialists” — athletes or exercisers who neglect versatility in order to refine one or two skills. The CrossFitters’ critique has chastened at least one specialist. An essay by a triathlete named Tom Demerly titled “How Fit Are We?” appeared on a biking blog, conceding that if triathletes “found ourselves in a jam that required overall physical fitness to survive, we’d probably be in trouble.” Further admitting that he could barely do a single pull-up, Demerly went on to praise the fitness of a CrossFit type he had met named Joe Sparks, who “gave a demonstration using a 50-pound kettlebell making it look like he was maneuvering a tennis ball.”

The CrossFitters are not always so admirable. If you hang out long enough on the site, you’ll stumble on a garish cartoon clown called Uncle Rhabdo. This is one of the network’s mascots — a hideous figure, often shown vomiting — who suffers from rhabdomyolysis, a dangerous condition in which damaged muscle tissue enters the bloodstream. He’s disgusting. The clown is worshiped only half in jest by the CrossFit crowd, which can see exercise-induced injury as martyrdom to the cause. In a 2005 interview, Glassman said of CrossFit: “It can kill you. . . . I’ve always been completely honest about that.”

The last time I checked the site, I noticed something new and disturbing posted under the W.O.D. It was a picture of a broad-shouldered, bearded man, captioned by this epitaph: “Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas J. Valentine, 37, of Ham Lake, Minn., died in a training accident in Arizona on Feb. 13.” As the CrossFitters prepared for that day’s workout (115-pound thruster, 21 reps; 15-foot rope climb, 12 ascents; 115-pound thruster, 15 reps; 15-foot rope climb, 9 ascents; 115-pound thruster, 9 reps; 15-foot rope climb, 6 ascents), they posted condolences like “Fair Winds, Chief.” One CrossFitter linked to a more official obituary, which revealed that Valentine, who died in a military exercise, was a Navy SEAL and part of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group in Virginia Beach, Va.

Valentine’s death seemed to strike many in the group as something to be suitably honored in their own training. As he prepared for his W.O.D., one CrossFitter wrote, “Through every moment of pain in this workout I will feel blessed.”

Points of Entry


PAIN, GAIN, ETC.: The gratis motivation machine will inspire you — and, if you’re up for it, make you feel subhuman because you don’t juggle kettlebells. It’s well worth a visit; just don’t move in. Other fitness sites with deep-think forums that are workouts in themselves include,, and “T-nation” would be Testosterone Nation, yes.

ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES: “Pumping Iron,” the original movie, is still the best bodybuilding drama ever; it’s also a portrait of a governor as a young muscle group. Netflix it, or pick up the 25th-anniversary edition at for $10. For further study, no book on the subject beats “Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder,” Sam Fussell’s gory, hilarious, soulful memoir about bulking up while being a smart person.

MUSIC FOR RECUPERATION DAY: Nine Inch Nails released its “Ghosts I-IV” album this month — straight to the Web, no advance publicity, no Interscope. On March 2, the music was just there. Check it out at — 36 instrumental tracks, each known only by number. N.I.N.’s Trent Reznor says “Ghosts I-IV” involves “dressing imagined locations and scenarios with sound and texture; a soundtrack for daydreams.” It’s elegant and evocative, but it doesn’t clang or clamor like earlier, workout-friendly N.I.N.

Friday, April 4, 2008



Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

115 Lbs

The first set was by far the hardest. Hands and forearms were absolutely on fire. It was a good and fast WOD.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Crossfit Kandahar Funniest Ever!

Angie OHS and a little run

CFWU x 1

100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

2 x 5
135 lbs

Short run around the block to tire Parker out. We are having company over and it is best if he is tired. You can tell from the picture that Parker is indeed not tired.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

800 M Run

CFWU x 3 / 1 x Running WU

Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run

Rest as needed between efforts.
