Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Run Row and Bench Press


Little warm up.

20 min run around the neighbourhood with the dog. I would run 800mish
and jog about 400mish. Near the end it was me running and towing a
110lbs chocolate lab who was more interested in sniffing then he was in


CFWU x 2

3 Rounds of: (not for time)

500m Row
30 Body weight Bench press.

Had a good workout after work. Arms were completely shot. It was a
good thing I had a spotter there with me or I would not have attempted
to do this with body weight.


  1. 2 a days! Where is the rower?

  2. At the gym at work. They have now. They are now C2's but they do the trick. Still working out some of the kinks though
