Monday, April 21, 2008

Connor Navy Seal WOD

Me playing with Amy's new Boat on Fanshawe Lake.

CFWU x 2 Burgner WU x 1

Subbed medball cleans for OHS


Max Rounds in 20 minutes with 65 lbs of:

5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats

Each round is completed from beginnning to end without setting weights down.

15 rounds with 5 seconds left.

Push Press was the first thing to hurt. Soon after that the squats started to smart. Was a sweaty beast after words. Didn't feel like doing much of anything after except laying down.


  1. Looks like a great training session. You seem to be back on the wagon. Was this 5 deads, 5 cleans, etc. Not a bear complex? 15 rounds is impressive!

  2. each round was each of five. 5 reps and move straight into the next without putting the weight down.
