Very Sweaty 120 Pull ups
For time:
Run 800 meters
40 L pull-ups (10 L Pulls 30 Regular)
Run 800 meters
40 Strict pull-ups (some jumping)
Run 800 meters
40 Kipping pull-ups
This was very hard. The pull ups were the hardest ever.
Pain or damage don't end the world.... or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when your dead. Until then, you have more punishment in store.
For time:
Run 800 meters
40 L pull-ups (10 L Pulls 30 Regular)
Run 800 meters
40 Strict pull-ups (some jumping)
Run 800 meters
40 Kipping pull-ups
This was very hard. The pull ups were the hardest ever.
This is what it is like to have a Chocolate Lab who can't get enough of the water.
CFWU x 3 (PU 10-7-10)
4 rounds for time of:
Run 500 meters
25 Back extensions
This one kicked my ass and the dogs ass as well.
My stat:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight (205LBS)Should have been 255lbs
Bench press: body weight (155lBS)Should have been 170lbs
Clean: 3/4 body weight (115LBS)Should have been 135Lbs
Set up three bars and storm through for time.
Was on my own tonight so I didn't max out on the weights.
Good Training link
Marathon Training Program
Labels: Linda
5 km Run
Was a good run. Thought I was going like Flash Gordon on the way back but was 10 seconds slower. Legs are a little sore. I haven't run that far in over 2 years I bet.
Labels: 5 KM
This is the CF's CF! As you may be aware (or not) the Canadian Forces are fully into crossfit. Check out this link and you will see what I mean. Spend some time surfing around and there is some great simple stuff there that we can use everyday. Also it doesn't hurt that Nicole demonstates the movements.
You may have to cut and paste. That was painful.
CFWU x 3
Push Press
95lbs Thrusters
Pull Ups
2 x 40lbs
2 x 50lbs
2 x 60lbs
I came across some great info today on the Zone. Very Helpful for beginners. Follow the link and get your reward.
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters (Rowed)
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
good Workout. Time could have been better. Too much distance between events for an accurate time. If I want a better score I will have to do this at home with a dumbbell in the garage. I guess that is always true.
Labels: Helen
CFWU x 2
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)25lbs Thrusters subbed
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)Up right Rowing 45 lbs subbed
Labels: Fight Gone Bad
Today was a good day. When I saw the WOD on Crossfit I knew that today was gonna be a Murph attempt.
Finished at 4pm
1 Mile Run
20 rounds of
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
1 Mile Run
Had a new PR:
Then went to Dave's for the Thursday 6pm Group WOD.
It was a crazy one but fun. It looked something like this:
Med ball Cleans (55lbs)
Mountain climbers
Kettlebell side throws
KB swing throw (55lbs)
KB Back throw (55lbs)
Wheel Barrel with Partner
KB Push throws (55lbs)
3 (each side) TGU's (55lbs)
50 squats
40 squats
2x 50 m Sprints
There was no numbers to do just work until told a new movement.
WOD lasted 20 mins.
Labels: Murph
The secret of Tabata
by Alex Koch
Few things in life live up to their hype (wrinkle-free pants and for instance). But the Tabata Protocol--which sounds like it could be a tantric sex act or a secret martial art--deserves its reputation. It's a simple cardiovascular-training routine that's been proven to improve performance and fitness in a very short time--14 minutes to be exact, including a five-minute warm-up and a five-minute cool-down. Sound too good to be true? It's not, and if you give it a go, you'll quickly find out why.
The Tabata Protocol--named after Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., a former researcher at Japan's National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya--is an interval routine developed by the head coach of the Japanese speed-skating team. (It's called a protocol because Tabata and his team took the speed-skating coach's workout and studied it to quantify just how effective it really was.) The workout consists of six to seven 20-second full-speed sprints interspersed with rest periods of 10 seconds.
In Tabata's study, the researchers found that guys who used the routine five days a week for six weeks improved their maximum aerobic capacity (a measure of your body's ability to consume oxygen--the more oxygen you can take in, the longer and harder you'll be able to run) by 14%. What's more, it also improved anaerobic capacity (which measures your speed endurance, or the duration you're able to sprint at full effort) by 28%. So the Tabata Protocol is the rare workout that benefits both endurance athletes and sprinters--hard to accomplish. Consider: A study of traditional aerobic training--running at 70% of aerobic capacity for 60 minutes--for the same number of weeks showed an improvement in aerobic capacity of 9.5% and no effect on anaerobic capacity.
The key to the Tabata Protocol's effectiveness appears to be the short rest intervals between sprints. Conventional interval-training guidelines suggest keeping a 1:3 work-rest ratio. That is, your rest periods should last three times as long as the duration of your sprints. But the Tabata Protocol's work-rest ratio is 2:1, which means your rest periods are only half as long as the time you're working. And according to another Tabata study, that formula isn't just more effective than traditional aerobic training, it's also more effective than typical interval training. In that other study, Tabata and his colleagues compared their original protocol to a second configuration of intervals that consisted of 30-second sprints interspersed with two-minute rest periods. Despite the fact that this required subjects to sprint for more time at a higher intensity, the original Tabata Protocol still proved more effective at boosting both aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
On paper, the Tabata Protocol offers a quick way to get fit in just four minutes of high-intensity work per session. But don't be misled: This regimen is grueling. It was originally developed for Olympic-caliber athletes, and Dr. Tabata reported that they were wiped out by the routine. It's worth mentioning that when testing the protocol--described as 6-7 sets--most of the subjects were exhausted after the sixth set of sprints and couldn't complete the seventh. So this style of training isn't for a beginner and should only be considered by someone who has a solid fitness base. That includes most Men's Fitness readers, but if you're just starting to work out or you're out of shape, start easy, rest three to four times as long as your sprint duration, and see "Assess Your Risk" on page 143.
If you think you've got what it takes, here's the drill. First, do a five-minute warm-up by running, cycling, or jumping rope for five minutes at about 40% of your full effort. For the intervals, work on a track, treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, or a heavy gym bag, and alternate 20 seconds of activity at full effort with 10-second rest periods. Each sprint-rest combo counts as one interval. After the intense section, do a five-minute cool-down in the same way you warmed up. Try to do four intervals at first, then gradually work your way up to six. Repeat the workout three to four days a week.
Assess Your Risk
Get a physical exam before trying this workout if you re over 40 or have two or more of the following risk factors: a family history of heart disease, you re a smoker, you re sedentary, you re overweight, or you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Alex Koch, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of exercise science at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missom
A well thought out WOD by Mike. Challanging and fun at the same time. Seems to be a theme with this Crossfit stuff!
CFWU x 3 (mod for less pull ups)
Pull Ups
Mike assisted me with the 90's. Was hoping for a higher number. Oh well.
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
Labels: Weighted Pull ups
CFWU x 3
95 lbs Thrusters
Fran on a Diet!
45 lbs Thrusters
Not timed
3x 135lbs thrusters
Starting to really love the Thrusters!
Read some really good stuff today on the Affiliate websites. Here is a sample.
Labels: Diane
If you are looking for a good read spend some time with this link. Indepth thoughts on the kip.
CFWU x 3 (modified )
Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
135-205-225-245-255-255 (no spotter had more in me)
10-6 HSPU
20-15 Bench crossover pushups
(funny story: I put 2x45lbs on the bar because in the videos on CF they have the big bumpers. I wasn't really thinking when I did that. Anyway after one rep I thought to myself those guys are beast. There is no way I could do Fran like this. It would kill me!)
4x5 95lbs Thrusters
6x5 Kippers
For time:
40lbs manmaker
Pull ups
Had my fitness assessment today at a big box and had a couple of surprizes.
Resting Heart rate is in the excellent catagory from needs improvemment
Body fat is 12% which is in the Athelete range.
Weight is down 5 pounds
Arm strength is "the highest" she has ever seen!
Cardio is Excellent catagory.
Back flexibilty is still shit!
think that is a great improvement from only doing crossfit. I also got the girl interested in crossfit. She was asking how much I run/bike/swim. I said never! I started to talk about crossfit. She was blown away that a WOD can last only 4 mins and you still get a workout in that will kick your ass.
no CFWU x 3 (rode the bike for 20 mins for the test)
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders (tuck jumps)
25 Ring dips (regular)
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood (did not do Bad Back)
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, (did not do Bad Back)35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions(did not do Bad Back)
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (Subbed 45lbs thrusters)
3 Rope climb ascents (subbed 30 pull ups)
CFWU x 3
Back Squat
4 @ 45lbs, 4 @ 55lbs 2 @ 60 lbs
25 Pullups in broken sets
Hurt my back on the squats. Too much weight with bad form. Legs were strong enough but when you throw in some bad form.... SHIT!
CF Seminar is in Toronto at the end of October! gonna be going to that one. So excited baby!
Last night it occured to me that I was scared to complete this Tabata WOD. I have never done one like that and didn't really know how to approach it. I mean I have done Tabata's before but never five in a row.
With previous tabata's ie squats I have gone full bore during the 4 mins and been completly wiped out after. I knew that this one was gonna be different so I tried to pace myself. I did the high pulls okay but my legs were getting tired. I knew that I had to do squats next and was concerned that I would tire myself too much and not be able to complete it. I started to pace myself.
I think that is what I did wrong. At the end of the WOD I was tired and sore but not a bad as I should have been given that today is a rest day. I let my fear of the unknown stop me from pushing myself further. I have improved in the past by pushing beyond my preceived limits and it is how I will improve in the future.
There is a great article in a Performance Menu about this topic. I should read it again. Stuff like unknown distance runs and how to prepare etc...
Stop being a pansy Steve. 1-2-3 GO!
CFWU x 2
Tabata Sumo deadlift high pull, 45 pound barbell
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up (subbed 24lbs Slamball. Hands ripped again)
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.
Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.E.G., 10, 22, 9, 15, 15 = 71
10-15-4-10-7 =46 Wow that is low. Very hard WOD.
So today I did a fun WOD. Was a bit all over the place like normal. Anyway,
30x 135lbs jerks for time
10x24lbs wallball (just because I have a Ball in the driveway)
then did a one km run with the dog. 2 Pees and 1 sh!t later he was too tired to continue. Lucky for me. I tied him up and decided that I would run the sand hills near my place for fun. That was not fun. Very tiring. So that led me to my great find. I found a huge truck tire that has been abandoned.
50m of tire flipping and jumping over it, I was spent. Gonna ask the work crew if I can keep it. Clean it up and use it more. It was awesome.
total time running hills and flipping tires
cfwu x 3 Pull ups still hard only did sets of 7 not 10
5x5 back squats
2x 40lbs,6 x 50lbs, 2x 60lbs
Getting back into the swing of things. Can't wait to be back to full strength again.
CFWU x 3 (Pull ups were very hard only did 10-9-7)
4 rounds for time
500m row
25 push ups
3x5 95lbs thrusters
I have been feeling really "off" since completing Murph. Have a terrible case of DOMS. Still having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I will wager money on the reason.... My birthday followed by the long weekend. Gonna ease back into the CF thing and work my way up to testing for the 15th on. Will see how things go.