Back at it after Algonquin Park
Well I have been absent for quite some time. Thank you for your patience. I have really enjoyed my time off. I went to Algonquin Park with my Girlfriend Amy. We camped and hiked we even managed to get some canoeing in as well. The weather the first day really sucked so we basically holed up in the tent and played Yahtzee. Amy won ever game. I am getting better at it though. Then it was Remembrance Day and you know what that means. Yesterday was a Holiday for me so I was feeling lazy and didn't workout. Today was my first WOD in a week.
CFWU x 2
7 rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps
10 Ring dips
As Rx'd
I'd like to thank Pat. Whenever I thought about taking a break I would think to myself... "I bet Pat didn't take a break. Keep going." I find that having someone to workout with is a great motivator. However, knowing that someone else is doing the same WOD as you and is going to "check up" on you is a pretty good second. I recommend getting a workout partner or at the very least someone to challenge you daily with their performance.
3-2-1 GO!
You should email that amazing Handstand pic to CrossFit HQ. It'd get posted on the main page for sure.