Saturday, November 24, 2007

Challenge #4

CFWU x 1

Run 1 Mile

50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats

Run 1 Mile

50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats

Run 1 Mile


The third run realy really sucked. Started by doing 5-10-15. Did two rounds of that then went to 10-20-30. It seemed faster. I also did the run on a tread mill that way I was able to keep track of time and pace easier.

I am glad that I have been looking after my hands. No blisters today. I just bought a pumace stone for the shower to keep my hands in order.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the challenge. I did not partition it Cindy style. I should have. I did 50 squats, 50push-ups, 20 pull-ups. No real plan. I did run outside.

    Your time is great. Do I see a sub 30min Murph out there?
