It is with humility that I post this WOD. During the last few weeks I
have been "taking it easy" (lazy). Limited if any intensity in my
workouts. Having returned to normal training after 6 weeks of very
regimented and what I consider demanding training I was what I think,
burned out and slightly injured. It was my haphazard plan to just go
easy and allow myself to feel better and get the training spirit back.
Last night was when decided that I would return to full form. My plan
was to complete Cindy. Which is my favourite WOD. I was hoping to get
around 25-27 rounds. If I did this it would confirm my presumption that
I was healed. This was not the case. I was beat into submission and
was unable to complete the WOD as Rx'd. Ego deflated and knee inflated
I left the pull up bar.
CFWU x 2
Cindy.5 (40 second intervals with one minute rest at 9 rounds)
13 rounds
Squats seemed to be the issue. I was much slower on these then I
remember being.
Bench Press
135lbs x 10
185lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
L Pull ups x 10
Hand stand practice 15 mins.
HSPU's = 3
It is clear to me that I am not 100%, which really sucks. I am now
wanting to get back at it full speed but my delicate body is not ready.
In the meantime it will be upper body with intensity and lower with
moderate intensity.
Swimming when possible and bike riding if able.
In summary:
I know that the training I have completed in the previous 2.5 months has
greatly increased my endurance but my strength has diminished. It is a
delicate balance and one that has to be continually adjusted and
monitored to reflect lifestyle, family, and employment obligations.