Starting back at it
I am gonna workout tomorrow. I am gonna focus on lower body and not get too wrapped up in upper stuff till I meet with a Dr. about my fucked upped shoulder and arm.
Tabata squats
Please add suggestions to Comments.
Pain or damage don't end the world.... or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when your dead. Until then, you have more punishment in store.
I am gonna workout tomorrow. I am gonna focus on lower body and not get too wrapped up in upper stuff till I meet with a Dr. about my fucked upped shoulder and arm.
Tabata squats
Please add suggestions to Comments.
I have been away for some time now. I have been having some pain on the right side of my upper body. My shoulder and arm have been numb for the last 5-6 days in a row. I am gonna take some time off and go to the MIR for a referral to the Chiropractor and Massage therapist. I have never had a pain like this for this long. I really think the rest and medical attention is a good idea. Also being the Christmas time I would not have been too likely to workout anyway.
Merry Christmas to all.
I will post thoughts and stuff while I am away from working out.
In the last few days we have had a lot of snow and I wanted to make the most of it. So I got my shovel and put my snow suit on and began the process of shovelling the back yard.
This one is about 5 Ft high and 9 Ft wide. There is enough room for two people to sleep inside. You are able to sit up with head room to spare. I made the opening away from the wind so when I sleep in there tomorrow night I will not be too cold. I tried to build up the front so it will help block and wind that does make its way around. It took me about 4 hours to complete. I think I will be tired tomorrow from all the digging.
Well here are the results.
CFWU x 3
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
45-70-80-90-100-110 (fail)-105-105
this is a new PR by 20ish lbs.
Finished with Handstand practice and pull ups. I did about 45 secs of handstands and then 5 pull ups. I did this 6 times. Each time I used a different grip. Did some push ups just for fun and I skipped. Starting to get the double under consistently. It reminded me of the times I would just workout and do the WOD and then a lot of other stuff after just because.
Today for lunch I had a bowl of Zone chili with a few whole wheat crackers and 1 liter of water. Why I mention this is because when I was at the gym I was full of energy. I had my music in my ears and I was dancing around like a fool (I was the only one in there). I had a great warm up and thought I would really have a good WOD.
I looked at Pat's blog and saw he had 110lbs. So I was motivated to really get a heavy pull up. And I also tried a new way to hold the weight. Usually I use a backpack. Today I used a weight belt and some 1 inch webbing with a carabiner. It seemed a lot easier to control the weight.
For those who care. Here is my play list for the gym:
Drowning pool- Bodies
Stevie Ray Vaughn - Crossfire
Rammstein - Du Hast
Outcast- Hey Ya
Diddy- Nasty girls
Maverick's - From hell to Paradise
Ludacris- Move bitch
Guttermouth - Can I borrow some ambition
Eminem - Shake that ass for me
Black Eye Peas- Hey Mama
Black Eye Peas - Let's get retarded
AC/DC - It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll
Andrew WK - It's time to Party
Andrew WK - I get wet
Nazareth - Messin' with a son of a Bitch
Dope - Die motherF&%ker
Michael Andrews - Mad World
Beastie Boys - So whatcha want
There is more but too lazy to type them.
Labels: Weighted Pull ups
CFWU x 1 did some skipping after and some stretching
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
this was a fun WOD. I like that there are more heavy days now.
Come the new year I will be changing my training a bit to reflect more running. I have the fitness test to be accepted to the CIOR Canadian Team and I think the running will be my limiting factor. I have 3 months to prepare. So that should be good enough. If accepted it is 2 months of training and shooting. Oh ya, alcohol is prohibited during the training.
Yesterday I was regretting the plan to do 5 on and 2 off. We had our staff Christmas party Wen night and well enough said. I felt so terrible but I knew I had to go. So I started to do the testing for the CIOR Canada team.
800m = 2:50
Max push ups in 2 mins = 96
Max sit ups in 2 mins = 86
Max Chin ups = 14
I think I want to retest these cuz I think I can do better.
I still have to test:
50 m Swim 35 Secs
8 KM Run 34 mins
Today is my last day of work for three weeks. YAHOO!
Back Squat 5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps
CFWU x 2 Subbed medball cleans for OHS
For most people eating is about taste and pleasure and variety. If they eat the same thing over and over they get bored and want to try something different. They have recipe cards full of tasty meals that they choose from to keep the variety and spice in their meals. I am the complete opposite of that.
For me I eat the same thing day in and out. It is the easiest way for me to stick to a plan. Do what I know works. Keep it simple stupid. Little to no variety. For me I have a few staples and that is it. Shopping is easy as hell. I know exactly what aisles to hit and how much it will cost. Cooking after work is simple.
For me food is fuel and not about taste. What do I need to eat to make it through the next 4 hours?
Being in the Army I relate it to trying to figure that to wear to work. The same thing I wore yesterday. My uniform. Easy. No fuss no muss.
I know that this is not the way for most but it works for me. Here are some staples in my diet:
Lunch meat
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter
Chili (lots of Chili)
Pete's Hot sauce
Olive Oil
Fish oil
Multi vitamins
That is about it. In the morning I throw the same thing in my lunch bag and off I go. Very easy.
Labels: Angie
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Let excuses start. 5 days on and 2 off is very difficult to maintain any intensity. Couple that with staying out last night till 2 am and feeling like shit all day does not make for a new PR. Felt like Pukie was sitting on my shoulder.
So happy for the weekend off. So tired body so sore. Sat is the Mens Christmas dinner at work. Think that will be a good time.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Labels: Lynne
Is Crossfit selling out?
BWC of the month!
CFWU x 2
With the end of the year fast approaching I thought I should try to get the 15 MU's now just in case I didn't get it. Well I didn't! Shit.
Got on the rings and tried a few to get the feel. The rings were too low to get a good kip. Knees were too close to the ground. Anyway, got 11 which is 2 less then my PB. So I just kept at it. Got some nice tears on the heal of my hands.
It looked like this:
Ended with handstand practice. Maybe not such a good idea after the MU's. Sucked.
If I am gonna do this before the end of the year I will have to do it in the Garage. Better set up there with higher ceilings.
Oh well will try again in a couple of weeks.
Suggestions welcome
AM worked out with a buddy at work who has a bad back so we did this:
CFWU x 2
5 rounds for time:
50 jump rope
25 24 inch box jump
10 burpees
13:30 (think I did six rounds)
CFWU x 1 with 2 rounds of snatch practice
Front Squat
Felt a small tickle in the back so didn't push it. It was heavy enough though.
Handstand practice for 10 mins. Getting fairly good at these. That is relative though.
CFWU x 2
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
22:43 PR by 2 or 3 mins.
Have gone to 5 on 2 off for the next 3 weeks. Working each weekend so will not be able to do the WODs then.
Just got an email from Body Weight Culture. I won 50$ for the picture of me doing a handstand in algonquin park.
CFWU x 1
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
17 rounds + 12 10 reps better then last time.
For this weekend. Tomorrow is a rest day and I am working so the WOD is:
150 Burpees for time.
Got some good news today. I am allowed to start a Crossfit Club on the Base. I can use the Gym there. I still have some hurdles to jump but it is looking good. Can't charge money but I just like the idea of a free place to workout with friends.
Labels: Pull up ladder
CFWU x 3 Sub OHS with snatch, cleans and medball cleans
Run 5 KM
Was going well till about 3.5km. Had a sharp pain in left ankle so called it quits.
To finish I did:
3-3-3-3-3 Snatch
Bailed on one and it made a big boom! Got a couple of looks.
Felt like I sold myself short on the run so went back to finish but the pain was worse so I stopped.
Labels: 5 KM
CFWU x 1 Starting to get lazy on this.
3 Rounds of:
Max reps in 1 minute of - Bodyweight Bench Press
Rest 1 minute
Max reps in 1 minute of - Dead Hang Pull Ups
Rest 1 minute
Rn 400m
BP- 17-15-16
Pullups- 22-22-22
Runs at 6:44 min/mile
"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Back Squat - 275 lbs
Shoulder Press - 135 lbs
Deadlift - 365 lbs
Total = 775 lbs
Technology – an invasive serpent
What happened to the good ol’ days?
It is interesting that the cell phone, PDA, and Ipod’s has replaced the newspaper and magazine in the stalls of the office washroom. I remember the days when MacLean’s or Reader’s Digest was thoughtfully left on the back of the toilet for future users to read. I have found myself on more then one occasion in the stall playing an intense game of WSOP while, in the stall beside me someone was checking emails or playing a game themselves.
I find the noise of the buttons being keyed distracting. Using the facilities before the invention of such portable devices one only had the noises of human nature distracting them or maybe even the folding of the newspaper’s pages.
If you are gonna be one of those who chooses to use a portable device to entertain yourself in the office washroom please set your phone to mute. I know I am not the only one with said device so a little courtesy please.
CFWU x 1
10-15-20-25-30 for time:
30lbs man-makers Scaled after 2nd set to 25 and then 20lbs for the remainder
knees to elbows
Static handstand hold in seconds ie, 10 secs first round, 15 secs second round...
That was way harder then I thought it would have been. I forgot how hard manmakers are.
10-15-20-25-30 for time:
30lbs man-makers
knees to elbows
Static handstand hold in seconds ie, 10 secs first round, 15 secs second round...
Demo of manmakers.
1 Rep max
Work your way up to your 1 RM as needed.
Final lift of 365lbs. Was disappointed with that. I haven't tried a 1RM since Feb 07 and totally thought I would be able to get 380lbs.
Beat my previous best by 5 pounds. 5 stinkin' pounds. I think I will have to work on that.
Beat by Pat for 15 points.
Labels: Deadlift
1 Rep max
Work your way up to your 1 RM as needed.
Bonus points will be awarded for each percent over your previous best.
IE. if you lift 5% over your last max you will get 5 points bonus.
My PR is 360lbs. I am gonna go for 380LBS.
Pat I don't know your PR but if you are not too far off I challenge you to get your goal of 400lbs.
CFWU x 1
Run 1 Mile
50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats
Run 1 Mile
50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats
Run 1 Mile
The third run realy really sucked. Started by doing 5-10-15. Did two rounds of that then went to 10-20-30. It seemed faster. I also did the run on a tread mill that way I was able to keep track of time and pace easier.
I am glad that I have been looking after my hands. No blisters today. I just bought a pumace stone for the shower to keep my hands in order.
After a nice rest day we have this to look forward to.
Run 1 Mile
50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats
Run 1 Mile
50 Pull ups
100 Push ups
150 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the pull ups, push ups, and squats as needed. IE Cindy style.
CFWU x 2
CF Challenge #3 "Bear Complexes"
"Bear Complexes" Refer to CF mainpage, exercise demos for the video.
5 Rounds
7 sets per round1 Set:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
Note we can not let the bar touch the ground during a set. Post loads used for each round.
Think I could have gone heavier sooner but was totally smoked at 135 lbs. Had to squat with weight on thighs for a rest. Good WOD. Glad I got to try it. Thanks goodness tomorrow is a rest day. My turn to think of something for us.
CFWU x2 Have been doing snatch instead of OHS
Pull-ups (Kipping)
Pistols (11-8-5 per leg per round)
I did the HSPU's unbroken for the first two rounds then 3 and feel over then finished the 6
Pistols were the biggest challenge for me. Went to leg being being slightly past 90 but not all the way to A2A. I think I may have cheated by not going to A2A on the pistols. Thought I was gonna fall over if I went further.
This was a very difficult WOD and I am fearful of the next one.
CFWU x 2
For time:
50 Box jump,
24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots,
20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
2 Mins better then last effort and 1 min off my PR.
Labels: Filthy Fifty
Have some very sore legs. No Michael today. Swam at hotel instead. Did some contrast stuff. Hot tub pool and back a few times. Feel good. Tomorrow should be better. Off to watch UFC.
Warm up was Fran with no weight. Pullups were simulated with the dowel.
Three rounds,
21-15- and 9 reps,
for time of:
95 pound Thruster
A few thoughts about this one. Have just come off a few days break. Yesterday was a rest day. Did not do Fight Gone Bad yesterday. Did not do Tabata Bottom to Bottom squats this morning.
Did not work on Medball cleans all morning.
I was happy with this one. Legs are trashed and I almost met Pukie. Fingers are shaking as I type this.
Labels: Fran
CFWU x 2 Subbed Snatch for OHS
"Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Did in this order.
Push ups 20,20,17,15,14,14,12=112
Sit ups 12,11,11,10,10,10,10,10=84
Squats 16,18,16,17,16,16,16,16=131
Pull ups 10,10,8,5,6,6,6,6=57
finished with Skipping. Starting to get that double under. 3 in a row.
Labels: Tabata Something Else
CFWU x 1
For time:Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps
Subbed 95 pounds.
After completing the WOD I think I should have gone to 115lbs. First time doing this one so I wanted to get it right. Form was good.
Practiced the lift after for about 20 more reps. No timing just practice.
10 mins of skipping. Still trying to get the Double under.
Have a great weekend. Going to the range all weekend and shooting. Yahoo!
Labels: Isabel
I can see this as the next WOD
![]() |
Unlucky Cameraman Stands in Exactly the Wrong Place |
![]() |
If he stood virtually anywhere else, he wouldn't have felt the wrath of a 28 pound piece of metal. But that's no fun. |
CFWU x 2
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
the last set I had a difficult time with keeping my form and driving up with my elbows so I dropped 20lbs to finish.
3x5 HSPU
Fight Gone Bad from Cert
Fran from Cert
You can see me in there somewhere.
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
17 mins with 12 in the 18th. Started to break into sets at round 14.
Thought my hands ripped off.
Having fun and really excited about this Crossfit thing.
Labels: Pull up ladder
The CF Cert was great and I recommend it to anyone who would like to increase their knowledge and understanding of Crossfit. Of greatest benefit for me was the detailed instruction and error correction during the practical portions. The Staff was of high calibre and were genuinely interested in help the students learn and improve their individual skills.
The camaraderie that was established was great. Shared hardship and pain build lasting friendships.
The first physical test was Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats. Scored a 16. That made me feel pretty good.
The first days WOD was Fight Gone Bad.
“Fight Gone Bad!"
Three x 1 minute rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. 1 minute rest after each 5 exercises.
This was a humbling experience. Scored 260. Was Crushed. The pain went away as soon as the beer came out. Had a few beers and then had a nice supper with Amy. Had a few more beers and then went to bed.
The second days WOD was Fran.
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
Felt better about this one. Scored 5:44 (PR). Was Crushed.
To finish off, meeting Eva and Nicole and Greg Glassman was like meeting movie stars. Very awesome and dedicated to their passion. Nicole is way shorter then I thought she was.
Looking forward to improving myself and helping people who would like to be helped.
Labels: Fight Gone Bad, Fran
Just got home from the cert. Will post more about it tomorrow when I have more energy. Just let it be known it was fun and hard. I learned a lot and look forward to many more.
"We fail at the margins of out experience. The goal is to soften those margins."
Coach Glassman
Getting excited. I have packed repacked and then packed again. I have packed a ton of food. Never know what I will want to eat. I know that I will have a great time. Will post all about it when I get the chance.
In the meantime enjoy this.
Had a great training session with Coach!
Worked on:
Dead Lift
Medball Clean
Burgner Warm up
Air Squat
Bunch of other stuff.
Figured out that I have flexibility issues. Who would have thunk it!
Getting excited for the Certification in Toronto this weekend. When I signed up it was so far away. Now it is only 2 days away.
Check out Pat's Blog.
Started the day at 0700hrs with one hour of yoga. It was my fisrt ever exposure to yoga. The room was literally like a sauna. Heated to the hilt. Had a good time and think that it is something that I would like to do more of.
After Yoga I rushed to the gym to do Lynne.
15 13
8 12
8 12
7 15
7 18
Was unimpressed with my efforts. Thought I would bang off a bunch more BP and PUs.
Tired from the heat and Yoga?
Labels: Lynne
CFWU x 2
20 inch Box Jump Burpees
45 lbs SDHP
15 lbs Wallball
Handstand Practice
1.6km run with dog.
CFWU x 3
65lbs OHS
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull ups
10 Good mornings
15 Sec Samson Stretch
13 KM Ruck
Did the Battle Fitness Test this morning with the 31 CGBHQ. It was a slow pace and I was not allowed to dash out front. Stiff as fuck from yesterdays Fran and todays march. No blister though. Some people had their feet falling off. Yuck!
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
9:12 (exactly 3 min improvement)
Wanted to die after this one. I stopped about 20 mins ago and my lungs are still hurting. I didn't partition the swings. I just fired all 21 off at once for each round. That was a mental game I had to play against myself. Otherwise my time would have been a lot worse.
Labels: Helen
I am learning the difficulty of trying to be fit in every modal domain. I know the idea is to be a balanced athlete. It is a challange to put into practice. For example in April I was doing a lot of rowing and doing well at it. I have since stopped rowing. Not intentionally just stopped going to the Globo gym where they have a lot of them. Months later when I realized how lacking I am in the metcon portion of my fitness, I was, in my opinion "strong". Getting PR's with MU's, cleans, and other strength/power movements. I am fearful that now that I want to get back to the metcon stuff I am going to lose the strength gains I have made.
I might be trying to achieve too much too soon with the Crossfit stuff. However, I am looking to improve in each area. I wonder if I am trying too hard in one area at the expense of another. Come to think of it that is exactly what I am doing.
I am open to suggestions and look forward to ideas.
CFWU x 1
Five rounds for time of:
50 Squats
100 Rope jumps
Played with a medball for about 15 mins.
Medball Bowling
Airball (throw as high possible)
SlamBall 4 times back and forth across gym floor.
Handstands 5 mins.
CFWU x 3
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Practiced handstands and TGU with long bar at 65lbs. It was fun.
After went to Dave's for a Workout. Haven't been there for a long time for a group workout. It was a fun time.
Go until last man standing:
TGU 25# start at 20 and each round do 2 less
15 # Med Ball Clean 20 reps
Hurdle Jumps start at 24 inches and increase 2-3 inches each round (ended at 42 inches I think)
I think we did 5 rounds.
CFWU x 1
For time:
Run 400 meters
65 pound Powerclean, 50 reps
40 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
65 pound Powerclean, 40 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
65 pound Powerclean, 30 reps
20 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
The runs are what I am having trouble with. Almost met Pukie.
CFWU x 3
Back Squat
3-3-3-3-3-3 (there was a typo this morning on the site)
Made sure form was solid throughout movements. Form was good not great but good. Legs not taxed but thought I should ensure form was there first. Felt good though.
Skipping 10 mins
L-Sit 5 mins (terrible)
Handstands 10 mins
I think that I have an imbalance with my upper body and lower body. Tried to do a pistol and got maybe 3/4 down. Strength and flexibility need work.
Today was a good day. Went to the gym first thing and did today's WOD. After work completed a goal. 100lbs TGU.
For time:
Run 400 meters
60 Wall-ball shots, 16 pound ball
20 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters
40 Wall-ball shots, 16 pound ball
20 Semi-Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters
30 Wall-ball shots, 16 pound ball
20 Semi-Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters
23:13 This was a very difficult WOD. The HSPU really rocked me so subbed a lesser HSPU.
After Work went back to gym and worked some Skills
Skipped for 10 mins. Just trying to get timing down. Skipping is harder the 6 year olds make it look.
TGU's (met a goal)
90lbs TGU with left hand
Failed on 100lbs 2 times
100LBS TGU with right hand. Happy with that.
10 mins of Handstands.
Morning PT with the Army
Light warm up with some stretching
6.5km march with 45lbs of gear
54 mins. Slow pace.
I am excited to see what the WOD is for tomorrow. I guess a little nervous as well.
CFWU x 2
3 Rounds for time:
70 Single unders
20 x 25 lbs Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Kipping Pull ups
As Discussed in my last post this WOD was not for time or max effort. Just to do something.
Practiced TGU with 60lbs
Practiced Handstands for 12 mins
I have started reading The Zone. Quite an interesting read. I am amazed that after eating "zone" for 9 months how little I truly understood. Sure I knew that if I ate 4 blocks of Carbs and 4 Blocks of protein and 4 Blocks of fats good stuff would happen. And it did. I have been very satisfied with the results. Both in fitness and body composition.
By reading this book I have been able to "understand" why and how the body reacts so well to this eating style. I have also been reacquainted with eating in the zone and how I get there. The book has provided me with the tools to continue to improve in my diet.
A couple of other points I would like to discuss. Sleep. I have made the commitment to be in bed by 2100hrs. Last night I was asleep by 2130hrs. I woke once at about 0230hrs when Parker was barking cuz Amy had returned home from work. Straight back to sleep. No tossing no turning. This morning I woke without the aid of an alarm clock. Just woke up and got out of bed ready to face the days challenges. Going to bed early had a couple of side benefits as well. It stopped from having the beer that I typically have after an army weekend. "Hey, Steve we are going to the Wit's for a beer after work. You in?" No thanks. And it stopped me from wanting to eat Peanut Butter. You see me and peanut butter have a special relationship. It sits in the cupboard waiting for me to go to the fridge and get the celery and then pile the PB on. Well not last night Motherf@#ker!
I guess the main thing is with this Cert coming at the end if the month I am feeling like I did back in Jan 07. I have a renewed sense of purpose, dedication, discipline, and eagerness.
P.S. Plan for not meeting my targets! Regular review of goals. If a day gets screwed up, don't stew over it. Recoginise the issues, learn from it, and get back to the plan. Be patient.
Todays WOD
CFWU x 3
CrossFit Certification Preparation Plan
28 Sept – 2 Oct 07
Active Rest. Complete the WOD’s at sub maximal weight and/or time.
3 Oct 07 – 26 Oct 07
Back to Regularly Scheduled WOD’s as posted on
5 Oct 07
London Knights Game – 4 Pints
6 Oct 07
Thanksgiving dinner – 2 Pints
13 Oct 07
Cranberry Festival – 8 Pints
14 Oct 07 – 29 Oct 07
No Alcohol
Daily Activity (As work Schedule Permits)
0630 hrs – Reveille
0630 hrs – 0730 hrs – Breakfast and work prep
0800 hrs - WOD at Base Gym
0930 hrs – In Office for work, Snack
1200 hrs - 1300 hrs – Lunch
1530 hrs - Snack
1600 hrs – 1645 hrs - Base Gym for skill work (Snatch, TGU, Cleans,Thrusters, Handstands, and Stretching, Sprints)
1730 hrs -1800 hrs – Supper
1800 hrs -2100 hrs – Personal Admin
2100 hrs – 0630 hrs – Lights Out
*(Rest Days will be sleep in Days and timings will adjust accordingly)*
Do Not’s
No Peanut Butter at anytime!
No Cereal at anytime
No Staying up late
No Alcohol on off nights
No Tobacco
Meet with Dave 1 x per Week for updates and training tips
Drink 5 Liters of Water per day
Follow Zone Diet (4-2-4-2-4-2)
Keep accurate records of training and eating
Drink more Green Tea
Take Fish Oil
Take Multi-Vitamins
Ensure Lights Out
Ensure Reveille enforced
Research CrossFit (Read CFJ)
Let Amy know my plan
Sample Days Meals
4 Eggs with 1 Tsp Olive Oil
.5 Cup Salsa
9 Almonds
.5 Slice of Toast
1 Orange / Apple
.5 Cup Cottage Cheese
6-9 Almonds
Apple / Orange
4 OZ Tuna with Mayo
1 Piece of Multigrain Bread
Tomato and Cucumber
2 Cups Broccoli
6-9 Almonds
Zone Bar
4 OZ Chicken Breast
Spinach Salad with Celery, Tomato, Avocado, Cucumber.
Olive Oil + Vinegar
2 OZ Lunch Meat
1 Slice of Bread
.5 Avacado
This is a work in progress. I thought that by planning this out I will have a road map to help me get to where I want to be. I fully expect that there will be days that there is no way I will be able to follow this template. This is by no means an exhaustive list and I am sure I have missed things and forgot important points. I am also sure that as I sit here without the aid of the food guide for the zone some of my measurements are not exact. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions. Do not condescend and belittle my efforts.
CFWU x 3
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
6 rounds
Fell off bar with 30 secs to go. Did 12 more but not counted in total.
First date with Nicole and hopefully not the last.
Run smoked me. Legs are toast from yesterday. (Cop out) Looking forward to a rest day.
Labels: Nicole
CFWU x 2
Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 15 reps
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
This one just smashed me into the ground. Diet and H2O to blame.
Missed yesterdays WOD due to being at the Range. So I did it today.
5 km Run
Happy with my time considering I was wrecked even before starting it. Legs are super tight. Will have to be sure I continue to stretch. Having a fun time! Loving it.
CWFU x 2 Very modified. Walking lunges and limited dips and pull ups
30 Muscle Ups for time. New PR
My time is not the PR. I got 13 consecutive Muscle Ups on my first set. This lead to a little break until I could get my arms back in order. Aiming for 15 by the end of the year.
Labels: 30 Muscle ups
CFWU x 3 (Subbed 5 Muscle ups for dips and Pull ups)
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
Screwed this one up. Thought it was just Cleans. Don't feel too comfortable with the jerk protion anyways so would not have done it.
Practiced Handstands for 8 mins. Getting some solid results since working on using my fingers to adjust my balance.
Getting some serious negative feedback from one of the people at the gym. I think that she doesn't like that I am pushing for more crossfit stuff. This may be because she doesn't know a lot about it and doesn't like someone coming to her turf. Oh well.
Labels: Grace
CFWU x 2 (subbed MU for pulls and dips x 5)
For time:
Row 2K
50 Wall-ball shots, 18 pound ball
Row 1K
35 Wall-ball shots, 18 pound ball
Row 500 meters
20 Wall-ball shots, 18 pound ball
Post time to comments.
21-15-9 reps of:
205 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
3 TGU each arm. With just the long 45# bar. Getting the feel for heavier weights.
Felt really good for this one. Few days back on the Zone and things seem to be coming back to me. Sleep is next thing I will work on.
Loving the Crossfit and I have been spreading the word to all who will listen.
"Because sometimes fit hurts!"
Labels: Diane
Power clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
135-155-165-165-170 (failed last attempt. Retried and got it.)
My motivation.
I am gonna call a spade a spade.
I have been slacking off from working out due to extreme laziness. I have been thinking I am doing well even though my numbers in the WODs are sucking. I have recognized this and with that I hope to get myself back on track.
My game plan is to go to bed earlier and stop watching TV so late. Pay attention to what I am eating. I have almost stopped eating salads which I think is one of the reasons I was so successful in the first place. The three beers I have after work will have to wait for a special event. Such as a Bills game.
I hope that by admitting that I have been slacking I will be able to get myself back on track.
Post to comments.
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders Tuck jumps subbed.
75 Squats
Missed a couple of days due to going to a Buffalo Bills game and Tailgating.
Three rounds for time of:
50 Pull-ups
185 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
Hamburger Hands
Have recommited to Zone with a vengance. General feeling of malaize and tiredness. Want to get back to the top of my "Game". Wish me Luck.
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (32Lbs home made)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (subbed 24 lbs home made as well)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders ( tuck jumps)
Had terrible WOD. I should be crushing this now. My previous time was 26:47ish. Eating Sleep and H2O needs to be checked.
Labels: Filthy Fifty
Static stretching followed by a 5KM Ruck with gear. 45ish minutes.
Fun is all I have to say. Getting ready for the BFT with the people in the HQ. Hence the slow pace.
tired so tired
CFWU x 2
20 Walking lunges
10 push ups
10 sit ups
5 muscle ups
10 sec samson stretch
10 good mornings
"Nancy" (Scaled the OHS to 75 lbs after the first set.)
Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps (scaled to 75# after first round)
First time and it hurt. Have numbness in my right arm. Parker the dog is more tired then me though. He hates the runs.
Labels: Nancy
CFWU x 2 Subbed walking lunges for OHS
Max Push ups
70 Was disappointed with that number. Thought I would get more then that. Will try again in a couple of months.
50x 55 Kettlebell swings
2x10 Kips
10x burpee pull ups.
Ass is still sore. Got a good sweat though.
Short on time no warm up straight into WOD
With a continuously running clock do one muscle-up the first minute, two muscle-ups the second minute, three muscle-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
6 set plus 5.
first 4 sets were with no kip. Just dead hang. After that had no choice but to kip.
Have been restricted to upper body PT by the medical staff at the base.
CFWU x 2 Limited ROM on OHS, no sit ups.
Weighted Pull ups and Dips only
Pull ups
35 lbs
50 lbs
70 lbs
Labels: Weighted Pull ups
Friday morning my engine light came on. I was going to be driving up north so Amy let me take her jeep so I wouldn't have any problems. Ended up getting into an accident. I was at fault so my insurance is gonna go up. Also I got a 110$ ticket for following too close. That and I think Amy is a little upset with me. Later that day we went to watch the UFC. It was fun to watch the fights with my friends. Randy kicked ass and GSP controlled the fight the whole time. Well anyway, Broken ass. After a few beers and being fired up from the fights I got back to my climbing tricks. Standing on a Post about 9 feet high I thought I could jump. Well I was right. I could jump. Just had a hard time sticking the landing. My feet slipped out from under me and I landed on my ass. It wasn't sore then but when I woke up this morning I could barely walk. The car ride home really sucked. Ass is very sore. Bruised the bone I am sure.
So the moral is I didn't workout Sat and Sunday.
Rest day Did a 5 km ruck march with all the extras every 10 mins did 50 push ups with my helmet and vest on. Took off ruck.
CFWU x 2 omit pull ups
5 rounds for time of:
50 squats
30 pull ups
Very slow. Performance lacking due to staying up late night before and having a few drinks with my girl. Oh well it was worth it
cfwu X 3
Shoulder Press
First time doing this WOD with strict Press. Was a fun one. Failed on last press ended up doing push press for the last one.
6 km Ruck march with 50lbs, helmet, tacvest, and combat boots at 36 mins
CFWU x 3 went easy on pull ups
Pull-ups: 15, 12, 11, 12, 8, 7, 7, 7 = 89
Sit-ups: 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 48
Push-ups: 30, 26, 20, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 = 161
Squats: 20, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18 = 146
Sit ups are low cuz still recovering from GHSU Tabata
Excited to get going on Gymnastics this fall/winter. Got talking about it with a guy from work and it sounds like what I want to start doing.
Labels: Tabata Something Else
CFWU x 3
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
135LBS for all.
To finish I did one trip up the wall walk up thing with the pegs.
Only my second time doing front squats. Have had some bad experience with Front squats from lack of form. Today wanted to pay attention to the movements and not worry about the weight. Did well I thought. Front squat is a different beast then the back squat.
Have started to workout at the base. It is a well equiped gym if you are into spin classes or have no use for an olympic bar and weights. There is only one bar. The pull up station has ceiling tiles about 5 inches from your head. So in order to do the warm up I just slide the tile outta the way. Think I may get in shit for that though.
In the defence of the gym there were a few things it has going for it. There are 3 jump boxes of different sizes, there are about 10 different sized Med balls (heaviest is 16lbs), there are skipping ropes, there is also a large open space where the basketball court is, and best thing is they allow chalk. Although the only place there is chalk is on the bench press?
Look forward to some good WODs there are prices that can't be beat. Free!
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
HSPU were about half way for the last round. Very tricep oriented!
Have been noticing a steep decline in performance since I have not been paying as much attention to my diet. I can see why the Zone is so important. If you are not zoning start now. I plan to take my own advice and start measuring again.
Labels: JT
Today was my first day at the new job. Not a lot to report. Started the day with 45 mins of BBall at 0800 finished with a 100m sprint. I was not allowed to start the run until everyone else was at the 20m mark. I still came first. Not a big accomplishment though considering the competition. Although after words I got asked by two people if they can workout with me next time. That will be cool.
Finished the day with the CFWU x 3
Group WOD was fun too. Got to help out and keep the people on track and help correct form. Good times.
Last day of school and I think I nailed my exam. Studied today for about 3-4 hours and it really paid off. So excited to get my life back on the track it was months ago. Earning money and paying off my debt.
I would like to thank my friend Dave for the pain I have today. My lower back has never been this sore. I only hope it is soreness not injury. After tomorrow I will have to see if the DOMS is gone. Hope Hope.
CFWU x 0
Did some light stretching before the run. Was pretty stiff from yesterdays WOD. I had sore legs for the run and had to stop a few times to stretch them out. The sore legs were accompained with lower back pain. The same pain that was present yesterday. Tight muscles I think. Did some good stretching after the run. Oh well tomorrow is a rest day.
5 KM
My goal was under 25:00 so for the last 300-400m I ran my ass off.
Labels: 5 KM
CFWU x 3 Subbed MU's for pull ups and dips (3x6)
Tabata GHSU (glute ham sit ups)
25lbs walking lunges
1.5 Pood (55lbs) SDHP (sumo deadlift high pull)
Went and workout with Dave for the first time in many months. It was a good workout. The heat this afternoon really took its toll when coupled with the intensity the WOD demanded.
I experienced a pinching pain in my lower left hip while doing the high pulls. I don't know if it was me being super inflexible or just a hard workout.
Wrote my second last exam today. It went pretty well I think. There was some questions I know that I screwed up on. I just hope they weren't too costly. One more exam then I am finished school. Excited for that.
run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
run 1 mile.
If you have 20 lbs of body armour wear it. 1-2-3 GO!
Have a Stag and Doe to go to. Will make it up to you tomorrow.
Labels: Murph
This is what I came home to!
CFWU x 3
Back Squat
Worked on form today and not weight. Hurt my back the last two times out with back squats so I decided I need to work on form. Went well.
Felt really good today with the pull ups during the warm up. Was struggling a little while ago. Gave them a rest and they are getting better. Going back to basics I think. A little too much to always keep track of everything!
800 M Run
50 Box jumps, 20"
10 Pull ups
40 Overhead squats 70 LBS
10 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 70 LBS
10 Pull ups
20 Handstand push ups
10 Pull ups
10 Muscle ups
10 Pullups
400 M Run
10 Pullups
10 Muscle ups
10 Pull ups
20 Handstand push ups
10 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 70LBS
10 Pull ups
40 Overhead squats 70LBS
10 Pull ups
50 Box jumps, 20#
800 M Run
Sweaty again.
Labels: Painstorm
For time:
50 Ring Dips
Run 400 meters (500m once around the block)
50 Push-ups
Run 400 meters (500m once around the block)
50 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters (500m once around the block)
50x 24 inch Box jumps
For time:
Run 800 meters
40 L pull-ups (10 L Pulls 30 Regular)
Run 800 meters
40 Strict pull-ups (some jumping)
Run 800 meters
40 Kipping pull-ups
This was very hard. The pull ups were the hardest ever.
This is what it is like to have a Chocolate Lab who can't get enough of the water.
CFWU x 3 (PU 10-7-10)
4 rounds for time of:
Run 500 meters
25 Back extensions
This one kicked my ass and the dogs ass as well.
My stat:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight (205LBS)Should have been 255lbs
Bench press: body weight (155lBS)Should have been 170lbs
Clean: 3/4 body weight (115LBS)Should have been 135Lbs
Set up three bars and storm through for time.
Was on my own tonight so I didn't max out on the weights.
Good Training link
Marathon Training Program
Labels: Linda
5 km Run
Was a good run. Thought I was going like Flash Gordon on the way back but was 10 seconds slower. Legs are a little sore. I haven't run that far in over 2 years I bet.
Labels: 5 KM
This is the CF's CF! As you may be aware (or not) the Canadian Forces are fully into crossfit. Check out this link and you will see what I mean. Spend some time surfing around and there is some great simple stuff there that we can use everyday. Also it doesn't hurt that Nicole demonstates the movements.
You may have to cut and paste. That was painful.
CFWU x 3
Push Press
95lbs Thrusters
Pull Ups
2 x 40lbs
2 x 50lbs
2 x 60lbs
I came across some great info today on the Zone. Very Helpful for beginners. Follow the link and get your reward.
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters (Rowed)
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
good Workout. Time could have been better. Too much distance between events for an accurate time. If I want a better score I will have to do this at home with a dumbbell in the garage. I guess that is always true.
Labels: Helen
CFWU x 2
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)25lbs Thrusters subbed
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)Up right Rowing 45 lbs subbed
Labels: Fight Gone Bad
Today was a good day. When I saw the WOD on Crossfit I knew that today was gonna be a Murph attempt.
Finished at 4pm
1 Mile Run
20 rounds of
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
1 Mile Run
Had a new PR:
Then went to Dave's for the Thursday 6pm Group WOD.
It was a crazy one but fun. It looked something like this:
Med ball Cleans (55lbs)
Mountain climbers
Kettlebell side throws
KB swing throw (55lbs)
KB Back throw (55lbs)
Wheel Barrel with Partner
KB Push throws (55lbs)
3 (each side) TGU's (55lbs)
50 squats
40 squats
2x 50 m Sprints
There was no numbers to do just work until told a new movement.
WOD lasted 20 mins.
Labels: Murph
The secret of Tabata
by Alex Koch
Few things in life live up to their hype (wrinkle-free pants and for instance). But the Tabata Protocol--which sounds like it could be a tantric sex act or a secret martial art--deserves its reputation. It's a simple cardiovascular-training routine that's been proven to improve performance and fitness in a very short time--14 minutes to be exact, including a five-minute warm-up and a five-minute cool-down. Sound too good to be true? It's not, and if you give it a go, you'll quickly find out why.
The Tabata Protocol--named after Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., a former researcher at Japan's National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya--is an interval routine developed by the head coach of the Japanese speed-skating team. (It's called a protocol because Tabata and his team took the speed-skating coach's workout and studied it to quantify just how effective it really was.) The workout consists of six to seven 20-second full-speed sprints interspersed with rest periods of 10 seconds.
In Tabata's study, the researchers found that guys who used the routine five days a week for six weeks improved their maximum aerobic capacity (a measure of your body's ability to consume oxygen--the more oxygen you can take in, the longer and harder you'll be able to run) by 14%. What's more, it also improved anaerobic capacity (which measures your speed endurance, or the duration you're able to sprint at full effort) by 28%. So the Tabata Protocol is the rare workout that benefits both endurance athletes and sprinters--hard to accomplish. Consider: A study of traditional aerobic training--running at 70% of aerobic capacity for 60 minutes--for the same number of weeks showed an improvement in aerobic capacity of 9.5% and no effect on anaerobic capacity.
The key to the Tabata Protocol's effectiveness appears to be the short rest intervals between sprints. Conventional interval-training guidelines suggest keeping a 1:3 work-rest ratio. That is, your rest periods should last three times as long as the duration of your sprints. But the Tabata Protocol's work-rest ratio is 2:1, which means your rest periods are only half as long as the time you're working. And according to another Tabata study, that formula isn't just more effective than traditional aerobic training, it's also more effective than typical interval training. In that other study, Tabata and his colleagues compared their original protocol to a second configuration of intervals that consisted of 30-second sprints interspersed with two-minute rest periods. Despite the fact that this required subjects to sprint for more time at a higher intensity, the original Tabata Protocol still proved more effective at boosting both aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
On paper, the Tabata Protocol offers a quick way to get fit in just four minutes of high-intensity work per session. But don't be misled: This regimen is grueling. It was originally developed for Olympic-caliber athletes, and Dr. Tabata reported that they were wiped out by the routine. It's worth mentioning that when testing the protocol--described as 6-7 sets--most of the subjects were exhausted after the sixth set of sprints and couldn't complete the seventh. So this style of training isn't for a beginner and should only be considered by someone who has a solid fitness base. That includes most Men's Fitness readers, but if you're just starting to work out or you're out of shape, start easy, rest three to four times as long as your sprint duration, and see "Assess Your Risk" on page 143.
If you think you've got what it takes, here's the drill. First, do a five-minute warm-up by running, cycling, or jumping rope for five minutes at about 40% of your full effort. For the intervals, work on a track, treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, or a heavy gym bag, and alternate 20 seconds of activity at full effort with 10-second rest periods. Each sprint-rest combo counts as one interval. After the intense section, do a five-minute cool-down in the same way you warmed up. Try to do four intervals at first, then gradually work your way up to six. Repeat the workout three to four days a week.
Assess Your Risk
Get a physical exam before trying this workout if you re over 40 or have two or more of the following risk factors: a family history of heart disease, you re a smoker, you re sedentary, you re overweight, or you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Alex Koch, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of exercise science at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missom
A well thought out WOD by Mike. Challanging and fun at the same time. Seems to be a theme with this Crossfit stuff!
CFWU x 3 (mod for less pull ups)
Pull Ups
Mike assisted me with the 90's. Was hoping for a higher number. Oh well.
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
15x45lbs Swings
25 20 inch box jumps
Labels: Weighted Pull ups
CFWU x 3
95 lbs Thrusters
Fran on a Diet!
45 lbs Thrusters
Not timed
3x 135lbs thrusters
Starting to really love the Thrusters!
Read some really good stuff today on the Affiliate websites. Here is a sample.
Labels: Diane
If you are looking for a good read spend some time with this link. Indepth thoughts on the kip.
CFWU x 3 (modified )
Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
135-205-225-245-255-255 (no spotter had more in me)
10-6 HSPU
20-15 Bench crossover pushups
(funny story: I put 2x45lbs on the bar because in the videos on CF they have the big bumpers. I wasn't really thinking when I did that. Anyway after one rep I thought to myself those guys are beast. There is no way I could do Fran like this. It would kill me!)
4x5 95lbs Thrusters
6x5 Kippers
For time:
40lbs manmaker
Pull ups
Had my fitness assessment today at a big box and had a couple of surprizes.
Resting Heart rate is in the excellent catagory from needs improvemment
Body fat is 12% which is in the Athelete range.
Weight is down 5 pounds
Arm strength is "the highest" she has ever seen!
Cardio is Excellent catagory.
Back flexibilty is still shit!
think that is a great improvement from only doing crossfit. I also got the girl interested in crossfit. She was asking how much I run/bike/swim. I said never! I started to talk about crossfit. She was blown away that a WOD can last only 4 mins and you still get a workout in that will kick your ass.
no CFWU x 3 (rode the bike for 20 mins for the test)
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders (tuck jumps)
25 Ring dips (regular)
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood (did not do Bad Back)
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, (did not do Bad Back)35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions(did not do Bad Back)
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (Subbed 45lbs thrusters)
3 Rope climb ascents (subbed 30 pull ups)
CFWU x 3
Back Squat
4 @ 45lbs, 4 @ 55lbs 2 @ 60 lbs
25 Pullups in broken sets
Hurt my back on the squats. Too much weight with bad form. Legs were strong enough but when you throw in some bad form.... SHIT!
CF Seminar is in Toronto at the end of October! gonna be going to that one. So excited baby!
Last night it occured to me that I was scared to complete this Tabata WOD. I have never done one like that and didn't really know how to approach it. I mean I have done Tabata's before but never five in a row.
With previous tabata's ie squats I have gone full bore during the 4 mins and been completly wiped out after. I knew that this one was gonna be different so I tried to pace myself. I did the high pulls okay but my legs were getting tired. I knew that I had to do squats next and was concerned that I would tire myself too much and not be able to complete it. I started to pace myself.
I think that is what I did wrong. At the end of the WOD I was tired and sore but not a bad as I should have been given that today is a rest day. I let my fear of the unknown stop me from pushing myself further. I have improved in the past by pushing beyond my preceived limits and it is how I will improve in the future.
There is a great article in a Performance Menu about this topic. I should read it again. Stuff like unknown distance runs and how to prepare etc...
Stop being a pansy Steve. 1-2-3 GO!
CFWU x 2
Tabata Sumo deadlift high pull, 45 pound barbell
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up (subbed 24lbs Slamball. Hands ripped again)
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.
Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.E.G., 10, 22, 9, 15, 15 = 71
10-15-4-10-7 =46 Wow that is low. Very hard WOD.
So today I did a fun WOD. Was a bit all over the place like normal. Anyway,
30x 135lbs jerks for time
10x24lbs wallball (just because I have a Ball in the driveway)
then did a one km run with the dog. 2 Pees and 1 sh!t later he was too tired to continue. Lucky for me. I tied him up and decided that I would run the sand hills near my place for fun. That was not fun. Very tiring. So that led me to my great find. I found a huge truck tire that has been abandoned.
50m of tire flipping and jumping over it, I was spent. Gonna ask the work crew if I can keep it. Clean it up and use it more. It was awesome.
total time running hills and flipping tires
cfwu x 3 Pull ups still hard only did sets of 7 not 10
5x5 back squats
2x 40lbs,6 x 50lbs, 2x 60lbs
Getting back into the swing of things. Can't wait to be back to full strength again.
CFWU x 3 (Pull ups were very hard only did 10-9-7)
4 rounds for time
500m row
25 push ups
3x5 95lbs thrusters
I have been feeling really "off" since completing Murph. Have a terrible case of DOMS. Still having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I will wager money on the reason.... My birthday followed by the long weekend. Gonna ease back into the CF thing and work my way up to testing for the 15th on. Will see how things go.
Labels: Murph
Start Now to hydrate. You should be peeing every 30 mins.
CFWU x 1
After 6 months of crossfit I just completed the worst WOD I have done to date.
From the simple minds at Brand X, one simple movement:
For time:
45# Thrusters, 500 Reps
Cannot drive. Can't hold the clutch in long enough before my leg starts to shake. Gonna go die now!
Labels: Painstorm